no i totally understand you. i’m one of the scenes, he referenced how he was 30 y/o counting his previous life. which if you’re mentally 30, i feel like you should be more mature than a bunch of teenagers and young adults in their twenties. i feel the author is heading towards the route of maythan thinking “oh this is a story, they’re not real” to build suspense for a huge plot device (maybe the death of a character? or one of the characters get badly injured) and then maythan will get his cliche “no they’re not just characters! they’re real people” development—which in my opinion, is kinda lazy writing. i don’t like how he has this careless attitude either, it is very irritating but i do believe it’s because he has this mindset that “the story must follow the og plot so i don’t die” yk? all in all, it’s fine for now but i hope we get some real character development because maythan right now isn’t a really filled out character

and ALSO! i hate when authors make all the male leads obsessed with their mcs when the author hasn’t really SHOWN us why or how. with the cp, all we can say is “oh he didn’t treat me like others, he treated me as a person” which? i’m sorry but when? all he ever did was try to ignore/ avoid the cp, he didn’t try to be friends or even be neutral. it was like a tom-and-jerry relationship. there was never any scenes that could slide to maythan treating the cp as a “regular” person. it’s like the author wrote that plot device and forget they needed to actually write scenes for it. regarding carsen, i think it’s because most of his backstory is unveiled. we can see he has history with maythan, possibly the one incident that led to maythan possessing his body (the one with the huge mana blow out) but it hasn’t been uncovered yet so i wont complain. i do think with background building-wise, carsen’s is the most thought out but he’s a red flag so i dont really care if their development was more seriously crafted he still assaulted the guy and the last ml, cedric. again, i don’t understand how he could fall in love with maythan when he literally only sees him during their swordsmanship classes. all maythan did was get stuck in his jail cell and sort of helped?? he didn’t really do anything much but i can see why cedric appreciates him. i understand him thinking of maythan as a savior and wanting to pay back the favor, but there’s no romantic building in their relationship but i do feel there won’t be much since he’s the 3ml. but i just hate romance without actual romantic building.
I just reread it and these are my thoughts.
I’m assuming most people disagree but please keep your mind open
I feel like they need to make Maythan a bit more likable. HEAR ME OUT ಠ_ಠ He always acts a lil irritable and selfish. I like him, I’m rooting for him, but sometimes I’m just thinking “pls get serious rn maythanstop acting like a child” He has his sweet moments, like we just saw, but it doesn’t feel like he actually cares. Sometimes the people around him are being serious and he’s acting goofy “oh god why is he confessing to me now??! I have a pizza in the oven!” Type of scenarios. While to other characters this is an incredibly important thing. Also, a lot of the characters are incredibly devoted to him when he’s barely done anything. Or rather how he’s acted/his actions aren’t the type of thing to warrant this kind of love and devotion.(in my opinion)It’s stretching the believability for the drama a little bit for me. Comedy is put right into the dramatic moments so it’s kind of hard to really feel the emotions of it. :/ He treats the people around him in a weird way. Idk I’m just kind of getting whiplash from the amount of times they cut to him being serious to “quirky” in the middle of a serious moment