How tf does everyone think Doyeon is on the ASPD spectrum? Someone with ASPD would never s...

toastyBooksAndTea September 6, 2024 3:23 am

How tf does everyone think Doyeon is on the ASPD spectrum? Someone with ASPD would never self harm to punish themselves or feel guilt and punish themselves to somehow alleviate it. I also theorise Doyeon is demisexual since she could only feel sexually attracted to someone when she could form a deep emotional bond/connection and that’s why she could get attracted to Jinjoo in the first place. She was able to relate the deep loneliness she felt since her young childhood to Jinjoo’s weeping she heard every night. She saw her own deep loneliness in Jinjoo and therefore wanted to give her the comfort and love she never had, and that enabled her to finally deeply emotionally connect enough to have sexual attraction. I don’t think people with ASPD can be demisexual like this.

I sincerely would like to understand how this narrative of Doyeon having low empathy came about because I can’t see it at all. I’m convinced ppl who think that have only focused on Jinjoo as a character, maybe the main main character, and not on Doyeon at all. It’s crazy. Nothing about Doyeon shows low empathy, superficially or otherwise. Everyone is crazily focused on Jinjoo and her plight but literally no one extends that same understanding to Doyeon. I just don’t understand why. And the reluctance to admit that Jinjoo did use Doyeon and her feelings of love and devotion, and did indeed use her for sex. Jinjoo threw so much baggage on her, baggage of her marriage, her resentment towards her husband, her wanting to be rescued and when that didn’t happen perfectly, the betrayal and subsequent emotional punishment inflicted on Doyeon, and everyone forgets this is Doyeon’s first sexual experience, first love, she is naive, she is desperate, she did not have any control and she was out of her depth with an older woman, she was self harming more due to the stress, she was put in a state of more instability, she did beg Jinjoo to not reach out to her again for sex and Jinjoo had sex with her then and there.

At the core of Doyeon’s character is deep deep loneliness and sadness and a desperation of wanting to belong and truly be needed. This results in her perfect people pleaser superficial personality which makes her seem like an NPC with no needs. But that’s on purpose and her wants and needs were stored deep down within her because her wanting anything and not being actively helpful never got her close to truly mattering to someone, something she was shown and was reinforced time and again throughout her childhood. If she doesn’t want or need anything she also won’t have to contend with being disappointed and abandoned. Again. And here she is, perfect, without any flaws, trying to be indispensable to anyone but also keeping a distance between everyone.

    ilovegintoki September 9, 2024 3:13 am

    LITERALLY omg omg like ppl r treating doyeon like a monster pls