
Niki September 6, 2024 3:04 am

The best thing I have ever read recently!! My eyes are still puffy from crying a lot. I'm glad I pick it up again. The characters are all well written, even the villains. As much as I want to see more of this story, I think it's the best ending for them. Well actually I dont know if I should cry or happy that it's open ending.

I really want to know if chae ah stay as human or not but considering her character, it's most likely that she stay as she is (although there is a tiny hope of me that wish chae ah become vampire), or will they make kids someday. On the other hand, I also dont want to know any of them. I think I'm happy that it's an open ending because I dont know if I can bear any goodbye or see what ml will become.

*I love rose so much, I was crying like a baby because her death.

