Let me try but the plot twist is I'm also fckn confused.
Disclaimer I read until ch 18 in oneshot days ago and saw the ch 19 update. My memory might be hazy.
We start with mc being harassed by director yoon.
Mc helps a girl who was under some old creepy guy; runaway with his money.
Director yoon is being held responsible that's why he wants the girl back and threatens mc to get her back. But it looks like he doesn't really care all that much about the girl coming back.
Now there r exactly 3 ml materials. 1st is director yoon who at times seems to be obsessive for mc.
MCs assistant, forgot his name.
And the stuttering guy seongtae.
I vote for MCs assistant so far he's the only normal but he seems to be hiding something but mc never asked.
There was also the flashback where mc seemed to be imprisoned by sm1 at one point it seems to be Jitae who was MCs frnd/love interest kinda but was very indifferent to others unlike mc.
But jitae died/killed and mc left everything and works as a private detective.
With ch 19 it's hinted that the arsonist in the past who killed many club members was mc... But it still hasn't shown what's the connection btwn mc and seongate

I stated he is obsessive as to why he is? It stems from the past. Yoons father company went under and he was in debt needed money. And out of charity mc promises to give him the money but jitae being indifferent didn't want to. After mc being reluctant jitae made it so that it looks like mc gave money while in reality he did not so the debt collector killed jitae father in search of money. Jitae growing up didn't have loving parents but he lost somewhat parents he had resulting in his twisted nature and love-hatred for mc. Love becoz for a little while mc showed him some kindness only to be turned out the reason his father died
Guys, explain it to me like I'm 5