
skycry724 September 5, 2024 11:31 pm

“Why didn’t the old me get one-“ you are one and the same stfu I don’t like this. It just feels like a way to get the newly together relationship/sex thing again. Bro you have to be able to write a happy in love couples. I already skip over most of the smut because it happens so often. We’ve done this before.. It feels weird that they’re having a sexual relationship when one has no memories. (Even though it’s still annoying in other stories)Other stories explore the lost memories trope in a way that creates conflict. Like “I feel like I’d be cheating on you because you don’t have your memories” or “you aren’t who I fell in love with” orrr “I don’t know you please get away.” Orrrrrrrr “I’ll try my best to love you again” IDK THERE ARE WAYS TO DO IT
