So what I understood is that Nova has like a condition/disability because of his lack of g...

Ireallyneedsleep September 5, 2024 11:16 pm

So what I understood is that Nova has like a condition/disability because of his lack of good hearing. Though It doesn't hinder his everyday life, it's their "value" and their "only use" so of course he doesn't feel that he's normal. And it already happened before so why did they didn't think of ways of how many-ears like Nova can live and be successful in the future even without their good hearing? And now that Nova finally found his purpose and things that he can do, instead of being supportive they would rather shut it down? Wtf

    Kurogane September 6, 2024 3:19 am

    Nova said so himself, the path for children like him is usually as an assitant to another many-ears, but he rejected that path because he wanted to create something for himself. What he is proposing is a change in the whole system of their race, of course they will shut him down. Old people hate change and all that

    Ireallyneedsleep September 6, 2024 6:14 pm

    Rightt. But like Nova's plan could even pave the way to other many-ears like him and to some many-ears that have better potential in magic than their good hearing. I just hope that they'd actually accept the change tho, cause what if in the future the higher demons don't need them anymore? They need to have another system to support them.