LMAO I JUST REALIZED LOLOLOL. The pink haired dude name is Na Minam. He was portrayed as a...

모태솔로 September 5, 2024 6:34 pm

LMAO I JUST REALIZED LOLOLOL. The pink haired dude name is Na Minam. He was portrayed as a very narcissistic guy to the point of being shameless. So the meaning of his name is now make sense lololol

Minam (미남) is a word that consist the word 미인 (Min = Beauty) and 남 from 남자 (Namja = Man) the meaning itself is to describe someone who is a very handsome & good looking.

And the fact that his surename is 나 (Na = Me), whenever he say his name, it would sounds as if he was bragging instead of casual introduction lmaoooo because Na Minam means I'm a handsome man ㅠㅠ
