there’s a lot to unpack but the zipper is BROKEN

wiintrr September 5, 2024 4:02 pm

…this order of events is mind boggling lmao so ole dude “fell for” (aka became obsessed with) mc at first sight, did subtle nice things for him like drive him to and from work and get him food… and then got jealous when other dude slept in his bed… then raped mc after promptly ignoring him going on about “this is ur fault cos u didn’t behave” like a crazy bitch like what

Then he basically kidnapped him to live with him and forced him to quit his job and then manipulated him into pittying him that he need him by his side… bruh I don’t remember how long it had been since they first met but I don’t think it was that long??? And mc fought for a bit but then was like “I guess this is my life now” ???

Im gonna keep reading cos im hoping that other dude comes into play at some point again but god none of this makes sense lol
