Will Riftan know in the future that Maxi was being abused by her father before they were m...

Saya September 5, 2024 1:20 pm

Will Riftan know in the future that Maxi was being abused by her father before they were married?

    CuriousGumWad September 5, 2024 1:24 pm

    Yes and he's gonna beat up her dad.

    Katsura September 5, 2024 4:24 pm
    Yes and he's gonna beat up her dad. CuriousGumWad

    This is the spoiler I wanted

    keixx13 September 5, 2024 5:44 pm
    Yes and he's gonna beat up her dad. CuriousGumWad

    Slowly torture or just straight beat up? I need him begging for his life

    CuriousGumWad September 5, 2024 6:51 pm
    Slowly torture or just straight beat up? I need him begging for his life keixx13

    No he decimates him and at one point pulls out his teeth.

    yessir September 5, 2024 6:59 pm
    No he decimates him and at one point pulls out his teeth. CuriousGumWad

    AHAHAHAHA frrr?

    CuriousGumWad September 5, 2024 7:15 pm
    No he decimates him and at one point pulls out his teeth. CuriousGumWad

    Not sure if I'm remembering correctly but I know that old man loses teeth. More details below on the lead up and aftermath

    Her dad beats her up for essentially standing up for herself as she identifies herself as Riftan's wife by saying "I am Maximillion Calypse". He walks in on her getting beaten up by her dad (naked I think not sure if I'm remembering correctly) pretty sure she's bloody and bruised. Riftan and some of his knights walk in on this and Riftan immediately jumps the man and beats him up so badly that Maxi has to step in and stop him. They leave and after avoiding answering his questioning she spills and tells him everything and how she's a worthless and undeserving person to which he replies something along the lines of "how can you be worthless when I hold you so dear and you're all I've ever wanted for years"

    Extra spoilers for the fallout of the jumping of abusive dad


    Her dad sues Riftan for beating him up because of this it is very likely Riftan will lose his title, land (anatol), military position etc. That's really bad but then Maxi finds out a solution through Princess Agnes where the case can be thoroughly investigated justifying Riftan's assault to a court. Maxi has to go to Nornui the wizard academy place thing because if she's a student the wizard academy will thoroughly investigate and help out but Maxi has to leave for a couple of years. Riftan is very upset and throws a tantrum/fit over it and gets drunk, depressed and skinny going on about how Maxi isn't doing this for him and how she's doing it selfishly without any regards to what he wants and tells Maxi "I won't wait, I won't wait for you" and she is thoroughly hurt by because it's just basically him saying hey "you're dead to me and I'm definitely gonna be seeing other people". Maxi goes anyway escorted by some of Riftan's knights to a boat that will take her there. The boat departs and Riftans rides in too late because he wanted to say he lied and he would wait.

    sunako September 5, 2024 8:13 pm
    Not sure if I'm remembering correctly but I know that old man loses teeth. More details below on the lead up and aftermath............Her dad beats her up for essentially standing up for herself as she identifi... CuriousGumWad

    Thank you for remainder <3 I read it some time ago and at the end there are really boring monsters campaigns but I really enjoyed what you described

    ratty September 5, 2024 9:10 pm
    Not sure if I'm remembering correctly but I know that old man loses teeth. More details below on the lead up and aftermath............Her dad beats her up for essentially standing up for herself as she identifi... CuriousGumWad

    thank you so much for all the spoils!!!

    sorry to bother you if you don’t remember, but what happens next after that? Do they reconcile ? ( ̄∇ ̄")

    CuriousGumWad September 6, 2024 1:32 am
    thank you so much for all the spoils!!!sorry to bother you if you don’t remember, but what happens next after that? Do they reconcile ? ( ̄∇ ̄") ratty


    After the timeskip she gets a chance to go back to investigate some monster stuff. She arrives and when she meets Riftan he's giving her the silent treatment but after trying to talk to him all he's doing is banging her and then going back to the silent treatment which she is cool with but she really wishes they could just talk. At some point he eventually says "I'm sorry, you made the right decision leaving back then" and later on she finally gets it through his thick skull that she worries about him and he's like "oh wow nobody has ever cared anough to worry about me" still fighting though. (btw this is me skipping over a lot of plot stuff and shenanigans like the unicorns, monster city, plans against the monster city this is all the romance stuff). He eventually gets chosen for some big plan that and Maxi who's still getting the silent treatment with the occasional caring action from Riftan like recently he gave her a blanket because she was cold and she gets worried they won't make up before the major monster battle and confronts him. She finds the little talisman thing (sword ornament made of rope with nymph blessing)she gave him and basically says "you love me so why aren't you talking to me?" He responds with "When you left it broke me but I also knew I was stifling you and you leaving was the right thing to do and that I don't deserve you" she replies with a "You loving me is the main reason I even want to like myself" and gifts him a new talisman they make up and he makes her promise to be careful in the upcoming mission. Big fight happens and he takes her to the monster castle and shows her this hallway with huge stained glass windows and says "I want you have at least one beautiful memory from all these horrors of war". More miscommunication where she's mad that he's sneaking off with the princess and keeping secrets but then he gets mad cause she compares him to this other dude and when she tries to get him to talk things get steamy real quick she orders him to strip but then Ursulyeon(blonde knight) interrupts with some secret business and Riftan leaves the room damn near naked. Once more he's keeping secrets from her and her mage buddies try to help her by telling her to make him jealous she does and it works and her and Riftan bang and then the next day she leaves a note and dips with the mages. He thinks she's gonna leave him again like on the boat back then and chases her down to tell her "I tried to protect myself from the pain and I realize there's no greater agony than being apart" and begs her not to leave she clears up that she's not leaving and they both realize they just wanna be together. She gets paid for mage work and Riftan makes her a necklace out of the first coin she ever earned. Another big plot thing happens and Riftan despite Maxi's worries doesn't send her back to Anatol but instead gives her armor and tells her she's part of the Remdragon knights so they can always be together and this makes her really happy as it's basically an endorsement and encouragement of her skills by him so she's super hyped. Not going further


    Here is a playlist of the spoilers I stopped this summary at Season 2 (4) recap - Part 1

    Saya September 6, 2024 1:47 am

    Omigosh!! Thank you so much for the spoilers

    keixx13 September 7, 2024 10:29 am
    Spoilers:.....................After the timeskip she gets a chance to go back to investigate some monster stuff. She arrives and when she meets Riftan he's giving her the silent treatment but after trying to ta... CuriousGumWad