4.5 STARSヾ(☆▽☆)

Ruby September 5, 2024 9:14 am

I would say the seme is a bit toxic but not in the relationship. in the relationship he became a better man, even from beginning he treated the MC right the only problem is him taking advantage him as a doctor and doing anal exercises...... but then he told him that the whole point of him doing that was seducing him which I forgave him for what I really don't like is the communication problems

between both of them which led them to a lot of angst and they still didn't fix it because at the end oh I never knew this well if you never knew that you'll need to talk more about your wants and needs AND SAY Well I know you don't like this and I really want this but I'm ok with waiting like come on you can still communicate people that's what's required of a healthy relationship
