i loved it have nothing bad to say 10/10 i recommend bye ps. i know a lot of people dont...

raine September 5, 2024 7:50 am

i loved it have nothing bad to say 10/10 i recommend bye

ps. i know a lot of people dont like tanjiro but i love him and i think his outlook on everything is extremely reasonable

    Tree January 8, 2025 6:23 am

    Wat???? I love Tanjiro!

    Taehyung's ass January 16, 2025 3:42 pm
    Wat???? I love Tanjiro! Tree

    If I'm not wrong, they hated him because he was too kind(I think just the same reason with Deku from MHA) and Zenitsu because he was too loud(?) or annoying.

    Hot-Chocolate January 17, 2025 1:49 am
    If I'm not wrong, they hated him because he was too kind(I think just the same reason with Deku from MHA) and Zenitsu because he was too loud(?) or annoying. Taehyung's ass

    Broooo, I love it when they’re kind! Plus, their kindness wasn’t stupid either—it wasn’t like they were overlooking their crimes. Their kindness was them understanding (listening to the villains’ side of the story) what brought them (the villains) to do what they did—the own injustices they faced. Even then, not once did they (the MCs) try to justify the villains actions, nor were they forgiving them, at all. (if they did, then that means I read the story with rose tinted glasses and overlooked it )