Well, there is a couple options. It could be the regular reincarnation of a white haired guy was already Like brain dead, his body was being kept alive, completely fine, but he was brain dead and our current MC. His body died, and he transmitted to most likely the space that he inhabited was either like his Prior body or even traces of a soul, blah blah blah
Or the second option, which is less dead pieces everywhere is that he is him, but I passed him meaning that the current him is dead or erased and solar is just a different part because it was kind of Left empty So that’s the secondary option
The third would be that they’re both in the same body still there’s another option but like I don’t remember
Oh yeah, so the fourth options. The option Which is the most forgiving for both parties involved is that they actually did just switch their souls maybe because an event hurt their bodies at the same time and they linked and they switched and this resolved other story where they switch back or they realize that they like the places in the world that they are, and it suits them better effort and grinding or whatever the heck they decide to stay where they are
In the fifth, but in my opinion, most unlikely is that our current MC did die took over the body and pushed out the original owner, which is still now somewhere in the fantasy world right now and it’s complicated
The prince before, like the real cassius or whatever, sounds so bitchy, want this ion guy to just stay in his body lmao