Is it worth reading? The reviews are really bad here.

Hornybutloyal September 4, 2024 1:48 pm

Is it worth reading? The reviews are really bad here.

    ThatWeirdChick September 4, 2024 10:25 pm

    Its totally worth reading, don't pay attention to all the nitpicking comments. The art is great, the translations are good, and the story is fun

    Chun-chan September 7, 2024 7:41 pm

    Absolutely! Very delish!

    Orinoko September 7, 2024 7:42 pm

    Honestlly you should spend your time reading a better story, but if you enjoy FL abuse, FL trying to escape and be free only to end up at the same place again, and a ML who treats the FL's anger like a child throwing a temper tantrum, and avoids and never answers her question and doesen't respect her at all, then this is the story for you, but i personally am going to drop this cause the story seems to be going nowhere, so you decide for yourself ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Faust September 8, 2024 12:18 am

    I do not recommend reading it, another story when FL is just abused by everyone, especially by the ML. There are far better stories on this site.

    IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream September 8, 2024 1:59 am

    The fl doesn't get abused by the ml, it's very chill rn, her problems start getting resolved the moment the story starts so we can enjoy her good life with her in these chapters, we don't see graphic abuse like in other stories either and she has a loving family, it's mostly funny, honestly just do what you want, I know this has no drama so far so I can read it with peace of mind knowing everything will be resolved, it's interesting enough too, it's a good story that won't stress you out for once so I like it, now do you like it is what's most important

    Hanayah September 8, 2024 2:09 am
    I do not recommend reading it, another story when FL is just abused by everyone, especially by the ML. There are far better stories on this site. Faust

    The cheating emperor is not the ML!!! The ML is head-over-heels in love with her! What are you talking about!!!

    IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream September 8, 2024 2:16 am
    The cheating emperor is not the ML!!! The ML is head-over-heels in love with her! What are you talking about!!! Hanayah

    Exactly, I was wondering abt that too, like did they even read the story? Just block the spammers, it will save you from headaches and very bad opinions.

    kinda_judgemental September 8, 2024 8:13 am
    The cheating emperor is not the ML!!! The ML is head-over-heels in love with her! What are you talking about!!! Hanayah

    He's so head over heels with her that he's been love bombing her since the moment he saw her, acted incredibly pushy even before getting rid of the former emperor, ignoring her wishes and manipulating her little by little to accept him, and now he's completely ignoring the fact that she wanted freedom and still forces her to be his wife. I'm not gonna lie, the story is not as bad as others that seem written by children, and the arr is very pretty, but I would rather read one of those devoid of logic ones then re-read this, or recomend it, because if you can't pick up on what the ml is doing, then this story is just teaching you to ignore the more subtle parts of manipulation.

    ImACuteLightSaber September 8, 2024 8:15 am
    I do not recommend reading it, another story when FL is just abused by everyone, especially by the ML. There are far better stories on this site. Faust

    Haaaaa? the ML abused the FL? like the story said if she told the ML to kill himself he'll do it .. the Emperor on the first chapters are not the ML btw..

    ImACuteLightSaber September 8, 2024 8:17 am

    the reviews are bad coz they haven't finished the story yet up to the recent chaps,.. impatience is not cutesy at all lmao..

    kinda_judgemental September 8, 2024 8:24 am
    the reviews are bad coz they haven't finished the story yet up to the recent chaps,.. impatience is not cutesy at all lmao.. ImACuteLightSaber

    I agree, it's why I'm still here, to see how the author handles the ending. But I'm probably hoping for a different ending the what we will get considering this is maked as romance. And on the "if she told the ml to kill himself he'll do it", the fl is not the type to say anything like that and everyone nows it, so it's easy to have someone say that. However, the fl asked repeatedly for a divorce and the ml was like "yeah I got you a divorce, FROM MY BROTHER, never promised a divorce from me, now please stay or I'll die cuz everything was for you". that is still manipulation and manipulation is a form of abuse.

    Orinoko September 8, 2024 7:23 pm
    the reviews are bad coz they haven't finished the story yet up to the recent chaps,.. impatience is not cutesy at all lmao.. ImACuteLightSaber

    Well in my case i have read the story up to the recent chapters, and to be honest the story is not that good, it's not the worst but here are better stories out there and if you wan't some reasons as to why it's bad:

    1. We have a FL who was abused by everyone the Emperor, her mother in law, the misstress, other nobles, servants etc etc. She had to overwork herself to the bone cause everyone was pushing everything onto her and when she left we saw how chaotic it was cause oh gee look at all that work that we have to do now.
    2. Again not only was she abused but she was literally tortured by her MIL, and she also cut off all contact with FL's family so that the FL would think she was abandoned by them, and that made her desparate to gain her freedom and escape from the palace.
    3. The biggest problem in this story is the ML cause he knew fully well just how desparate the FL was to get away from the palace and that she only wanted a peacful life and she was ralmost died so that she can get her freedom, and when we she found out that he was the emperor and was rightfully angry and wanted answers he was basiacally like "hehe who is a angy little lulu" and he never had the decency to answer any questions she had. Finally when he became the emperor the FL was so happy that she could finally bit and end to her shitty palace life and live for herself and what does he do, yea he does the one thing that her and her family didn't wan't him to do he makes her the emperess again, and you can't tell me that this isn't just disrespect on the highest level and again when she gets angry and demands answers he treats her like a child and never answers her properly and she is back in the place that gave her so much pain and trauma, but fuck that it's important that she stays by my side reagrdless of her wishes, yea he might treat her better but a cage is a cage just because it's made out of gold and nicely decorated won't change that, and the whole "he would die if she told him to" imo is not romantic it feels more like he is guilt tripping her into being with him .
    Well this are my reasons im sure there are more that i can't remember, but i will stop at this for now, you don't have to agree with me, and i respect your opinion but these are the reasons why im going to drop this story cause i really doesent feel like the plot is going anywhere, so i hope you have a nice day/night and bye ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Faust September 8, 2024 9:56 pm
    Haaaaa? the ML abused the FL? like the story said if she told the ML to kill himself he'll do it .. the Emperor on the first chapters are not the ML btw.. ImACuteLightSaber

    He literally forced her to remain as empress, is forcing her to marry him and is disregarding her opinions, treates her like a child and considers her emotions to be child's tantrums! He is manipulating her and abusing his power to get what he wants. If this is not abuse for you then I'm sorry you're this blind. Abuse is not only physical, it's also psychological.

    Faust September 8, 2024 10:02 pm
    He literally forced her to remain as empress, is forcing her to marry him and is disregarding her opinions, treates her like a child and considers her emotions to be child's tantrums! He is manipulating her and... Faust

    You girls need to start thinking and stop reading stories where MLs abuse FLs cuz at this point it's just denial. And when I state clear fact that manipulation and disregardment of one's boundaries/opinions/wishes/emotions is abuse, you jump on me saying shit like "they didn't read the story". Yes, I did and that's why I dropped it. Cuz I can read and I see that ML is just an abuser. Maybe if you read the story too, you will see that.

    ImACuteLightSaber September 9, 2024 12:22 am
    You girls need to start thinking and stop reading stories where MLs abuse FLs cuz at this point it's just denial. And when I state clear fact that manipulation and disregardment of one's boundaries/opinions/wis... Faust


    ImACuteLightSaber September 9, 2024 12:22 am
    You girls need to start thinking and stop reading stories where MLs abuse FLs cuz at this point it's just denial. And when I state clear fact that manipulation and disregardment of one's boundaries/opinions/wis... Faust


    ThatWeirdChick September 9, 2024 2:31 pm

    Wow, y'all are taking this way too seriously. You know you don't have to read it, right? If you don't like it nobody is forcing you to stay. There are so many FLxTyrant stories on this site that you could be bitching and whining about instead. The ML is NOT abusive, this story is in no way reflective of reality, and you need to seriously see a therapist and touch some grass