As I've said, it's completely fine and encouraged even to get mad, report and flag the guy's profile. I even thank you all for getting the profile deleted (according to the commented below).
What bothered me was having to scroll through whole pages of just flaming til comments of JJK.
It just proves my point that when I complained, you lot came down screeching at me & made it such a big deal, jesus christ XD

A stalker <3
You missed the ones with incest and mindbreak
But fr now, you cant srsly believe EVERY person who reads these things are p3dos or rap!sts?
I'm a woman. Ofc I'm not at all for rape. And personally I dont like them kids, 0 patience, so ofc I won't ever lust after them. Not even if I at least liked them bc thats WRONG.
Just bc I have fire in my fireplace doesn't mean I am an arsonist.

Putting all the post aggression aside, love ya. <3
Really, teachers or parents need to give this lesson. Not us.
Loving Hannibal doesn't mean you support cannibals in real life. Fiction police love to point fingers at writers who create non-con but they don't do that with violence and murder. It's all bs.
Well, there's some stuff I wouldn't touch with a 10 inch pole but I'm all for "create whatever you want".
my god, you ppl just love an excuse to hate...
Everybody knows it's break week. OF COURSE, it'd be a fake upload or a mistake.
If you were fooled, blame your dumb ass.