Ian has already decided to leave and has until things happened. I’m pretty sure Jo doesn’t stay there forever, he leaves and comes back, Ian as well. And TJ is still sticking with the gang, so unless he prioritizes Ian more and himself, and leaves the gang somehow, they can’t be together. As you said, Jo can give the peace Ian deserves or normalcy. His desires are also growing, but it isn’t bad of course, they’re humans (there are some scenes I won’t justify nonetheless).
Jo is a full time student I believe, he isn’t well off like TJ financially, helps out his aunt or someone with store, but he lives the life Ian wishes to live in.
As for upbringing, you’re not wrong. But I do think that Ian and TJ is not compatible in the part where the lifestyle they want isn’t the same. Ian has tried to leave the gang, whereas TJ continues to want to rise in power and the synopsis has also mentioned his obsession for power/status in gang (as well as author).
Jo has a good upbringing, but doesn’t mean he’s a good person. I don’t think he’s evil either though. None of the characters are imo.
Even if TJ doesn’t want him to be back in the gang, his earlier actions have contradicted that, I think he changed his mind but now it’s too late, Ian cares too much to not be involved and help TJ. He’s anxious and on edge because TJ was leaving (at the time of TJ telling him he’s going to go somewhere).
I don’t know about TJ loving Ian more than anything, but he does love Ian. I’m saying that because he has done a lot that hurt Ian (even if he didn’t mean it), deciding what is best for Ian, what not. And the part where he calls Ian for sex in the same hotel room that Ian has trauma from/killed his subordinate, it seems that he doesn’t care as much/didn’t think it though.
As for Jo, I can’t really root for him either. One scene he did was trashy (Sa), so he’s at a stage of needing development. Yeah he can give the life Ian wants, but what if he also gets hurt because Ian might continue to think of TJ? And any other situations where Ian might regret.
Jo is definitely going to be involved in the gang based of Jamie targeting him, etc. I don’t know how it’ll end up, but I wish for all the main characters to find their happiness.
IMO I feel like from what I’ve seen we will see more of Jo becoming quite toxic and wanting to possess Ian more and more. For instance Jo hasn’t left his home and will barely let him out of his sight, it’s almost like he’s assumed they’ve started dating and he’s keeping Ian as preoccupied as possible with him so he has no time for TJ. Whereas with TJ even though TJ loves Ian more than anything, he gives Ian the freedom to be with whoever he wants because he doesn’t want to hurt him, he wants the best for him and to not come back into that lifestyle. A popular opinion is that Jo has a better background than Ian and therefore he can provide Ian with normalcy in his life which I think would be lovely but just because he has a normal upbringing does not mean he will be a good person. Similarly just because TJ has had a rough upbringing much like Ian, doesn’t mean he will be a bad person or would make a bad match for Ian.
I would love to see the two together try to exit that lifestyle and explore everything together as people who don’t have any other responsibilities in the gang and can lead a fulfilling life while discovering new things together. After 19 years of pining they deserve to have that freedom and permission to finally love each other fully :,)