It does not excuse her emotionally abusing his brother and dragging a literal stranger into this. They're made to suffer and be punished due to another person's actions. That is not right and should be looked heavily down upon, regardless of her feelings. It's an EXPLANATION to her actions, however it's not an EXCUSE.

no i wholeheartedly agree! i think this chapter just gave insight from a holistic perspective and it made me sympathize with her when i initially hadn’t even after getting the ceo’s headspace. but to be with someone who was using you when you were already at a low must have been borderline traumatizing and it gives context to why she’d go to such lengths even if they was truly no justification for it. i think in the end that’s why i think the real enemy is yu il, who i feel caused a ripple effect with his actions and behavior!

I definitely find that to be true, but I find her just as bad as Yu Il, which is where we seem to differ;; for example, people growing up with physical abuse has a higher tendency to become abusers themselves - of course the "original" blame is on the ones who started the abuse, but continuing the cycle is just as bad, if you get what I'm saying? I can't feel too much sympathy towards someone who, instead of getting help, chooses to continue the cycle and make others pay for another person's wrongdoings. :
after reading this chapter i understand the ceo’s motives a lot more… if i read my love’s journal after they passed only to find out i’m essentially a substitute for the idea of a beautiful stranger that they’re actually infatuated i would be blinded by resentment. i don’t think it was right or fair to involve myeong in her plans, but i would want someone to feel a little of the pain i feel. i couldn’t imagine finding out that someone is disgusted by you and pretends you’re someone else to just be with you, especially if you are already very insecure about yourself… i feel for the ceo. if anything, i think the person deserving of the most dislike is yu il for doing what he did to the ceo…