Hmm I think this story is fake and there will be always delusions about possessive or edgy characters. I think everybody is able to have the delusions they want (today, it is still free and secret). But I understand that, if you take this story into reality, some kind of personalities won't be the kind of "healthy love" everybody talks about :)

Yes the story is not real but sometimes getting attracted to certain personality types (whether real or fake) has something to do with your psyche, even just a little bit.
For example, people who prefer yandere types of character probably have desires for someone to love them in an intense way or a way where their partner's world revolves around them which stems from insecurity or feelings of worthlessness. While others who prefer avoidant personalities grew up having parents who are avoidant so they latch onto partners like that because its familiar and also because they might get a sense of worthiness if the avoidant partner reciprocates their feelings.
It might seem like its not serious, but that depends on the individual. Some people could just like things for the heck of it, while others are more genuine and serious about stuff so its always good to just be careful.

I understand your point (I did it from the start ;D ). I just like to make it simple: the content is there for you to watch, because some people like it. It is your responsibility to get the difference between reality and fantasy, and it is something that some people can tell you about, but in the end it is your choice if you want to do it or not.
Do not take my words as something against you, I have seen lots of people telling others "how they should behave/criticizing what they read" but in the end they are fantasies. And everybody goes through the "I would love this would be real", but life tells you otherwise xDddd
I thought your comment at least was kind of more respectful towards others than the ones I have seen.
I respect your opinion, and it is good that you share it with others if that is how you view things.
Very nice to have a conversation with you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
People who want kersten to be ml actually need to go to therapy and I'm not saying this as a joke but in all seriousness... He is not a healthy example of someone you should love or be loved by.