Sigh these 2 are insufferable. Both are dumb, one was born with a screw loose, one is gett...

Potatokun September 3, 2024 7:07 am

Sigh these 2 are insufferable. Both are dumb, one was born with a screw loose, one is getting dumber day by day. If my crush ever came to me and dismissed my feelings as hormonal potraying me as some porn sex addict I would smack the daylight outta them and never see them again, uke do you not have any self respect , but ig thats what they mean by love makes you a fool. Infact i understand the seme more than the uke, he was born retarted and thinks acting normal means being in a hetero relation like his parents, having friends and bla bla and he thinks doing all that will make uke stay with him. At first i was mad at him thinking its another trashy seme who wants to control uke while he gets all the freedom to chose girlfreinds, but after learning that this stupid mf doesnt even know what he feels for uke is not just someone he wants by his side but SOMEONE HE LOVE AND WANT TO BE WITH, I now understand the seme. Bruh things being a normal perosn with a wife and child is what will make both happy hence gets gfs to prove it to uke that he is "normal" but doesnt realise that it ended up hurting the uke coz uke loves him (just like he does but doesnt realise). Idk where this is heading but the sex partner part was absolutely unnecessary, i wish they had not added it, coz it feels so out of place and im getting second hand embarrassment from uke, coz uke is so DESPERATE. I would rather confess my feelings and take the reaction that to lead myself into a physical relationship where both parties are hiding things from each other. This is pretty messed up but my ass doesnt want to drop it either so yeah lets see where this goes.

    Isagi_sprout_harvester September 4, 2024 12:25 pm

    Lmaoo I love ur review so much
    I was thinking of not reading it coz of the other comments but now I feel like I want to see what this dumpster fire is like

    Potatokun September 4, 2024 1:40 pm
    Lmaoo I love ur review so much I was thinking of not reading it coz of the other comments but now I feel like I want to see what this dumpster fire is like Isagi_sprout_harvester

    Tbh i wouldn't even recommend this to my enemy. I find this super cringe, its like those wattpad stories "how dare he touch whats mine, how dare he look towards whats mine" typa shit. Read at your own risk XD

    Cher September 22, 2024 12:09 am

    Saw your comment and now I understand why the ratings are low but who had sex partner, was it the uke or seme? pls tell me it's not playboy seme and virgin uke kind of trope? (Tbh I'm tired of this trope) hope uke grow some backbone tho

    Potatokun September 22, 2024 3:51 am

    Seme has had few gfs since high school, he doesn't really love them as far as I can tell but he is with them to act "normal", he thinks having a gf then a wife and kids is what everyone should do, wants uke to do that too. All that was fine but seme has a current gf yet he is trying to control uke's love life thats what pisses me off. Uke is tired of seme's actions and just blurts out that the one he likes is a guy, seme is pisser coz he wants uke to have a "normal" life as in hetero relationship. So he suggests a sex partner relationship coz "if its a guy you like then its better if its me than someone you dont know" , uke who is in love agrees even tho he knows his feelings will not be reciprocated. Its messed up. (Tbh not sure hald of what I cooked here is 100% correct coz I've already forgotten most of the story)