Sxxkxr September 3, 2024 6:32 am

I encourage everyone who buys, read, and support this manhwa to boycott it right now.

Seri, the person who is responsible for the manhwa adaptation of My S-Class Hunter is found guilty for defending other authors such as PITO, TD(티디), JINMI, NANDA (난다), YAMI, and LATTE PANDA (라떼팬다) who uses SPY CAMERAS, ILLEGALLY DISTRUTION OF SEX TAPES, and etc. as their references to create explicit contents and scenes from ther manhwas. Additionally, Seri also stated from her now deleted tweets that "it is okay to use spy cameras for references".

In short, the authors mention from above consumes porn videos that are taken and distributed without the person (from the video) knowing that their video is being used as a reference for explicit manhwas.

One of the victims of spy camera has also committed suicide for the distribution and usage of the video without her consent.

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