Mc and Ml (cant bother to remember their names) do end up together after a battle of whatever, Ml "nobly" sacrifice himself for Mc and then fake his death to watch Mc from the shadows but alas they both can't stay away from each other (writers BS reason) and accept and forgive each other and hold hands to fuck off into the sunset.
And yeah Mc does kind get revenge on Ml but it wasn't enough and write knew that they wrote themselves into a hole when they realized Mc was too independent for their shifty plot so they made it to where Ml basicly baby trapped Mc. Yeah the write is some kind of Moron that didn't understand what a healthy relationship is. doesn't understand that it's healthy to let things go if they aren't good for you. And just cuz your okay with being stepped on so you can have a rich daddy doesn't meant everyone is okay with it and will put up with this shit.

See, all that us some unnecessary shenanigans. So, ML is gonna leave, but secretly watches MC? Why do all of that if they're just gonna get back together?? Sometimes, we all have to stop and not be upset with the character(s), and just be upset at the Writer/Author for creating these characters with shitty personalities. And you said the ML is gonna somehow trap the MC by getting him pregnant??? Like....I'm barely holding on to this story.

I got spoiled on Silent Lover 1 and I noped the hell out of it as it's much of the same "return to the abuser tug and pull". Silent Lover 2 I read it until a certain point know that the shifty ending would come, I stop reading it and now I just say Mc stays with 2nd Ml and they lived happily with out shit 1st Ml.
I don't trust most novels now ah days cuz the moment I sniff that whole "GaNnA sTaY wItH rIcH aBuSeR" I'm done

Thank you for saying that Artic. Was in 2 horribly abusive (physically, mentally, verbally, emotionally, and financially) relationships. The difference was that the first one was a narcissist and the second one was egocentric. Both were the same in the sense they came from horrible childhoods, whose parents and families should've been placed in a mental institution and or jail. Another thing that made them the same was that they used their childhoods to justify why they treated me and everyone around them the way that they did. It was emotional manipulation. You wanna feel sorry for them, but how many times are you gonna allow them to abuse you, followed by the "heartfelt" apologies and reasons (bc of their childhood) why they hurt you?
ChillingonPluto said in their comment to me, "....Seme is not to blame entirely..." Yeah, I used to say my exes weren't to blame either. But I got tired of getting my ass beat. It would've been different if their personalities were cold--like some kind of Duke of the North in a historical Isekai/Otome story--and that was it, meaning they weren't abusive, but as you've read up top, it was waaaay more than their shitty personalities.
ANYWAY, thank you Artic for jumping in and saying what you said. People always want to justify someone's crappy childhood and life for them being abusive assholes. I will be the first to say that I used to do that, BUT NOT ANYMORE!! Like you said, no amount of the boo hoo childhood will justify someone being abusive.
Sorry for the long comment btw. I got in my feelings. Please forgive me!

I'm so sorry you went though that! No one ever deserves to be treated like that, you are a strong person able to leave those kind of relationships and I'm wish you didn't have to but you have became stronger.
I was low key pissed that people let abuse slide because they, 1. Have never been though an actual abusive relationship and speak on things they don't understand. 2. They make it into a fetish and are very dismissive of actual victims feelings. 3. They only let the other party get away with the abuse only because they are "Hot" or "Good looking" and are more then happy to let others get hurt as long as it's not affecting them.
No one deserves abuse. No amount of excuses and reasons justify abuse. Do not push your twisted desires and logic onto unwilling people. Abuse. Is. Wrong.
You deserve happiness and love, please take care of yourself. -Love from an internet stranger
After reading some of the comments, I see that there's a few of you who don't know what will happen with the relationship of the Seme and Uke. We all want Yan to pack up and leave and find happiness on his own--get back on his feet and create a new life for himself. Then, maybe later on,if he wants, he can find an Alpha that would treat him right. I would even go as far as say that I'd like to see Yan end up with the Lion. Anyone is better than Lu Shangjin....
But, unfortunately, Yan and Lu will get together in the end. I'm not sure how, but they will have a happily ever after. There's actually a sequel posted on this site that has Yan's and Lu's son in it. It's called "The Falling Merman".
I'm hoping this next Arc, with Yan being angry and hating Lu, will allow Yan to get justice against Lu, as far as treating him like dirt just like he (Lu) did in the past. I'm hoping Yan doesn't forgive Lu too quickly. Lu, as an Alpha, needs to suffer. He needs to know the pain that an Omega feels when their Alpha rejects them.