Sisters Unite!

Potato September 3, 2024 1:37 am

I actually love this so much more than I thought I would going into it. I freaking love Beri I'm so glad we're finally seeing some sisterly love in the historical genre. The Duke is amazingly sensitive and even if I truly don't understand how he had absolutely no idea what's been going on in his house since his kids were literal children (especially the nanny thing like how do you not notice she ain't taking care of specifically one of your kids) but he's doing a nice enough job of making up for it and proving that he truly cares for Odette. Speaking of Odette she's an amazing protagonist so much character development in 25 chapters it's amazing she still has he self deprecating moments however slowly but surely she's becoming more confident in herself and her families love for her. I'm assuming Shaitan is the ML and I really like him he's so witty and reminds me a bit of Ramiel from "I will become the villain's poison taster" so funny and he takes wonderful care of Odette.

Now the 3 jackasses first of all I truly with all my heart do not want Odette to forgive them. Their bullying literally made her awaken as a mage when you need to experience legitimate despair to do that. The other girl Cece literally only awoke because her whole family died and she was stuck in a cellar for a couple days with the corpse of her sister. That's absolute insanity everyone in her life other than her father thought it was okay to treat her someone loved by the duke like dogshit because of them. They continuously went out of their way to snub her in the pettiest ways possible so that she would never experience even a fraction of the luxuries she was entitled to as someone acknowledged as the dukes daughter. The duke said it himself they did not have to love her or even like her but they still needed to treat her with basic human decency. I don't care if there's some sob story about their mom or something that wouldn't really change Odette's childhood so think I'd ever be able to feel comfortable with Odette ever forgiving them for that so I hope she doesn't.

Lastly I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved the whiskey comment at the teaparty scene. That was amazing how often do you see minor characters say something back and not just watch what's happening. Yeah it's cool when the mc or a side character does it but it I feel like it showed off noble society and just how vicious these girls are.

    Reio September 8, 2024 2:26 pm

    The whisky comment is so smooth I am so kadad they didn't make that extra reappear