I feel sorry for the MC...

LalalaIcanthearyou September 3, 2024 12:30 am

If I were the MC, I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't help, I wouldn't eat, and I would start walking in the general direction of the nearest town. Mr. Bossy Boi might not be interested in being a decent, open minded human being, but I'm sure there's plenty of people to convince in the nearest town.

Dude is over here acting like asking for shampoo and conditioner or picking beans out of rice is some huge deal. Just because you like it and it works for you, doesn't mean it works for everyone. Also, you're not even hearing the MC's side. Dude gives me the ick.

Also, the dad is a jack@ss. He was an absentee parent and now blames his kid for looking for love and affection in all the wrong ways?

I think the MC is being such a good sport right now, really.

    LalalaIcanthearyou September 3, 2024 12:31 am

    Dude = ML, for clarity.

    GreenTea September 3, 2024 2:17 am

    Same, word for word. Seeing the beans again actually started to piss me off. Considering the MC is pretty much trapped against his will, you could at least show some compassion

    Alistair September 4, 2024 7:22 am


    somnia September 7, 2024 3:37 pm

    I second that. You can kinda see it's supposed to be a learning experience for MC to be less picky and appreciate "people" more, but the message is being delivered poorly. Especially bc of the 'dude' and father, as you said.

    You can blame MC for doing nothing with his life and lazing off, but it's fucked up to isolate him just because the dad can't have him "causing trouble" this year - The video that started all of this wasn't MC's fault either honestly.