(not saying they can't just be really close friends (nothin wrong with being platonic with your best mates) but like everyone else in the family has a person they're close with and obviously Kai and Kyochiro are the ones who read each other “like an open book” and before the had a whole argument on an interpretation of a book and bickered with each other… ending in both of them agreeing with the other’s previous point which leads to more bickering- which is the most emotion out of Kyochiro, other than him trying to kill Taiyo and protectiveness of Mutsumi. Also like whose the one who can calm Kyochiro in seconds??? Of course it's Kai.. I am so normal about them)

yeah I can see that, it’s pretty sweet whether or not they get together or not because honestly their bond seems important to both of them.
btw who do you match with each other’s favorite person, because there’s some overlap over who they’re close to more than others. Well besides the obvious like Taiyo and Mutsumi

omg can't believe someone asked me this question T^T I love an opportunity to rant.
There are definitely some bonds that I see more platonically than others, like Kengo and his teacher (because other than her and his famonly he doesn't really interact with other people ngl) and also Shion and Kenji (cute hacking buddies, Shion is nicer to him than other people outside of her family.)
The others are more ambiguous (can go either way) imo is Nanao and his middle school classmate Rinne (nothing much to say about this, they're just cute).
There's Shinzo and Ayaka, he's pretty comfortable with her, and after Ayaka becomes a maid at their house she's seen (before Timeskip) pretty much always helping him build weapons, so if I would ship anyone with him my choice would be Ayaka- both love the family (obviously she loves specifically Taiyo and Mutsumi, and I think out of everyone Shinzo is particularly protective of them as well for different reasons.)
The last sibling to talk about would be Futaba whom I match with Shura, her being the one to awaken Shura’s emotion- Fubata stopping her whenever her emotions sometimes leave her. Also Shura joining Futaba for the 5 years she was training at the hot spring.
Is it just me or is Kyochiro and Kai… a little fruity