genuine question, how would this be considered rape? once he said stop, i get that, but im...

gasha26 September 2, 2024 6:29 am

genuine question, how would this be considered rape? once he said stop, i get that, but im not understanding before. aside from the complete apathy from jj, is it bc leo said to wait? does aggression like that equal sexual assault? leo did give consent until he said stop, is what i see. don’t get me wrong i am in no ways justifying it!!!! i am just unclear and everyone seems to have a better idea than me

Responses September 2, 2024 7:04 am

    okay so theres a lot of factors that made their interaction very quickly turn into rape so i’ll just list them out :

    1) no actual desire from Leo to have a sexual interaction with JJ at the time — Leo expressed his want to become friend w benefits with JJ but he never actually said “yeah lets fuck rn.” JJ just grabbed him and shoved his dick in his face without asking.

    2) nothing was defined: while you don’t necessarily need to say exactly what you plan to do with your partner during sex and then ask for their consent, there should at least be some sort of mutual understanding about what’s going to happen. Similar to how JJ shoved his cock into leo’s mouth (no actual asking for consent), the whole thing w penetration was definitely not discussed either, especially considering Leo wasn’t expecting it and he also didn’t want JJ to penetrate him without any prep.

    3) as you pointed out, and the most obvious one — Leo’s explicit remarks and pleas to wait/stop. Even if we were to say that he consented at the beginning (which he didn’t), him saying “wait” and jj ignoring him would constitute as sexual assault because he’s attempting to pause the interaction due to discomfort with the situation. Additionally, when leo says stop, everything that comes after is very much rape. He withdrew consent and that makes the following actions non consensual. (If this was a BDSM scenario, it could be countered that its apart of the play, but ITS NOT AT ALL. And in that case it would need a safeword)

    4) lastly, the power dynamic. It’s very hard to have actual consent when one person is scared of another, and in this case, Leo seemed to be somewhat scared of jj (ch.13 pg17-18). Also jj’s full control over the situation without any thought for leo ( or how you put it, his apathy ) made the smidgen of consent that may have been there seem an after thought since, as i said before, this is not a bdsm scene and huge powerdynamics like this are usually not safe nor super consensual, esp at a spur of the moment sex scene like this. Leo is doing what jj wants but he doesn’t want it himself.

    anyways yeah thats basically it lol

    Wheeze September 2, 2024 7:04 am

    Consent is an understanding between both parties that they both want it. Leo in no form said yes to literally any sexual encounter they had he just said something about friends with benefits and then jj shoved him down and forced himself into him not listening to the waits or no’s and could have injured the dude, like yeah it’s fictional so nothing would show but irl Leo would be bleeding from his ass and in a lot of pain

    Calzwalz September 2, 2024 7:08 am

    hi! consent is a continuous thing both parties have to give during sex. So while he might have agreed to it in the beginning, or even was the one to come onto JJ in the first place, once leo said “stop”, “wait”, or gave any indication of being unwilling to keep going, it would be considered non consensual or even rape if JJ would choose to continue despite these warnings. as for The aggression JJ shows, it doesn’t necessarily mean rape if both parties are into it, but obviously that was not the case here. Leo might have been physically feeling pleasure, but emotionally he didn’t seem to enjoy what was happening. JJ was wrong the second he ignored Leo’s hesitation and continued to fuck him anyways especially since he did it in a way he knew would hurt Leo (without any prep or lube). also with context we can understand that JJ is mad at Leo and is consistently looking for ways to get him off his back, to me it seems like he wanted to teach him a lesson i guess? by making Leo scared or uncomfortable with sex that he used to enjoy with JJ, he might leave him alone. (though Leo’s kinda dumb so he’ll prob just go back and try and have sex w him again). sorry for the long paragraph lol i care a lot about educating people on consent. hope this answers your question!

    gasha26 September 3, 2024 2:58 am
    okay so theres a lot of factors that made their interaction very quickly turn into rape so i’ll just list them out : 1) no actual desire from Leo to have a sexual interaction with JJ at the time — Leo expre...

    that makes a lot of sense, i’m sorry i assumed it was consent before. i honestly didn’t remember the interaction well before but i definitely see what u mean and agree! thank you so much <3

    gasha26 September 3, 2024 2:59 am
    Consent is an understanding between both parties that they both want it. Leo in no form said yes to literally any sexual encounter they had he just said something about friends with benefits and then jj shoved ... Wheeze

    you’re absolutely right i’m disappointed i forgot about that. i definitely agree, thank you for explaining <3

    gasha26 September 3, 2024 3:02 am
    hi! consent is a continuous thing both parties have to give during sex. So while he might have agreed to it in the beginning, or even was the one to come onto JJ in the first place, once leo said “stop”, �... Calzwalz

    i don’t mind the paragraph at all, thank you so much for explaining!! i really appreciate that you included other factors, i definitely didn’t piece them together before. i am kinda ashamed that i didn’t see that right away. i wasn’t tooo sure how to word the aggression part, like it wasn’t clicking but what u said makes sense thank you i’m sorry that i assumed it was consent before <3

    Calzwalz September 3, 2024 4:48 am
    i don’t mind the paragraph at all, thank you so much for explaining!! i really appreciate that you included other factors, i definitely didn’t piece them together before. i am kinda ashamed that i didn’t ... gasha26

    don’t feel bad! we all learn new things as we grow! and it shows your character that you had a genuine question you wanted to learn about rather than deciding to remain ignorant! seriously don’t feel ashamed, i mean no one’s born with the answers to everything. and good on you for being so open to learning more about the topic and educating yourself!