
Haeun September 2, 2024 3:47 am

Any bl recs that are like the bl manwha “I Will Be Your Husband”?

Basically that one is about this photographer who is photographing this married famous couple, and he starts sleeping with both of them, behind the others back. And he “ruined” the famous married couple’s relationship

Anything like that

    Ridora ;) September 2, 2024 3:56 am

    What about this one
    I gave you one with most drama
    Sadly not exactly like I will be your husband

    Haeun September 2, 2024 4:15 am
    What about this one gave you one with most drama Sadly not exactly like I will be your husband Ridora ;)

    What’s it about?

    Ridora ;) September 2, 2024 4:20 am
    What’s it about? Haeun

    A guy(seme) had an affair with this woman the woman is a bad person and the woman has a husband who is manipulative and hurts and touch the uke. They're both in bad positions and bond. I don't remember much but that's what j think it was about. It's good drama tho.