I actually hate this webtoon so much

Pineapple September 2, 2024 2:54 am

Wtf is this chat!? How are fictional characters getting more action than me huh, I'd like my shit gently and lovingly WRECKED too.

But talking seriously this is actually beautiful. To watch Seo slowly but surely learn to love and accept being loved is amazing and relatable.

It's something that most of us haven't learnt seeing as we can't even fathom the thought of our own selves being lovable enough for someone to consider taking a second glance at us. Watching this unroll and seeing Baek go the extra mile to love him and Seo putting down his walls to let himself be loved is making me all teary eyed and shit. Big dawg like me crying wtf

Anyways done with my rant, stay hydrated and sexy you big booty bitches <3
