Am I getting too old here?

DOUBLE DICKS DESTROYER September 1, 2024 11:44 pm

I am entering my thirties n I’ve been wondering about how I don’t relate or interact with the ppl in this platform like I used to. My tastes have changed drastically, they have become very specific (for an already niche interest) so it has become very hard for me to find ppl who has the same tastes/views/opinions as me. What I liked about this platform was interacting with ppl who had the same interests/way of thinking as me, but ofc as my interests changed it just feels... lonely, like the comment section isn’t interesting like it is used to (for me), the lack of critical thinking that causes tensions in the comments is depressing, the same trope repeating every f time... well the humor is still there though, n the bl content in itself is getting better in some aspects... it’s just me the problem, I feel alienated here even though I’ve already taken a few breaks, n this is probably my last comment here too idk... ik there are some ppl way older than me here, but some still manage to hold that youthful spirit as others just disappear n now I don’t even know where should I go as mgg(n similar sites) isn’t for me anymore (except the content), prolly gonna go back to tumblr or something... idk anymore lmao

    Ridora ;) September 1, 2024 11:53 pm

    You can't be saying that with that username and that pfp
    But you're probably overwhelmed I think. Taking a break might be the solution.

    Gummy_bear September 2, 2024 12:00 am

    It’s kind of weird thinking about how there are people like two or three times my age on here lol, I feel so young sometimes. Anyways, I don’t think you can ever get too old for something, as long as you still like it, I feel like that’s enough of a reason to keep doing it. If you wanna talk about things or interests then you can just post about them here, I’m sure there are people who like the same things you do!

    Angelina September 2, 2024 12:15 am

    Noooo, don't go! What are your interests? There are ppl here with a lot of unique and weird tastes, so there has to be at least 1 person with the same tastes as you. But a break would be great for you. I'm finally starting college TOMORROW, so I'm also taking a break from this site.

    In my opinion 30 is NOT old, you are still a normal sexy adultso enjoy your time before you actually get old (50 is considered old)

    maruuzen September 2, 2024 12:18 am

    about beeen older here. I am almost 50 and i find all comments sooooo teen that scare me. My tastes changed, too, I just read some mangas, not all. Find funny and bad many, and the comment section so childish many times i find myself thinking, girls, your need to live more, hahaha. But i guess its me, growing up, but with the experience the old world gave me. I mean, I think many readers take the stories too serious. Hey, its fiction. It isnt real life, for God sakes.

    BeeHive September 2, 2024 2:20 am

    I hardly read any comments on stories anymore. I spend more time reading shit post and comments on the forum