imagine real si won in tae min's body actually lived and ran into them and confusing the fuck out of everyone especially woo jin but nah that's impossible..bc if he were to be still alive...he'll try to live a normal life and avoid running into the people he knew (escaping his previous life and people he knows)

Yup and because the details still remain vague/no clear evidence of his body actually dying, it opens the possibility that his original body is in a coma.
That would work out with the story too because it would make sense why the original body hasnt gone to taemins house + its close to being "dead" so there wont be any traces of him anhywhere else but in a hospital.
Its odd how woojin/siwoon seemed to be "normal" after finding out the "death" of taemin who he claims to be the most important thing to him......he just didnt look like someone who just saw their most loved one die! If anything it seemed more like he was confused, thinking and searching for something.
his actions and words dont quite add up and there seems to be a gap. If taemins original body is in a coma it could fill in this gap. In the 2nd chapter when taemin (in siwons body) left the hospital and came to his "home" why was woojin there staring at him? It looked like woojin/siwoon was observing siwon (taemin).
So if the theory about taemins body being in a coma happened = then woojin, after not feeling taemins existence in taemins own body would have been very perplexed by it and after finding out siwon got into the same accident around the same time, as crazy as it sounds he probably still wanted to "see" for himself if he was really going insane or not (for feeling that taemin wasnt taemin) and wanting to know if he'd feel anything different by seeing siwon.
But sure, it could still be that simple- that he (original siwon/taemins body) is actually dead. Woojin didnt believe it was really him so he wasnt lamenting on it and intuitively just felt that taemin was still out there, and the author just didnt want to go into the details of the death but focus more on taemins side of the story instead.
I dont mind it either way.
Though, it would be interesting if he was still "alive" like that since theres room for it to happen.
i feel like this could've been even more interesting if the real han siwoon was still alive in taemin's body :/