Why are we speed running these plot lines?

Icecream September 1, 2024 7:12 am

I’m honestly just confused at how fast things escalated, obviously it’s going to be some dumb ass “I left to deal with my dad/gain enough power to protect you” type bullshit. But I’m actually having serious whip lash over the jump from ‘voicing your annoyance at being left in the dark for the first time, to then leaving your husband and kid’ in just the span of one chapter…
If they didn’t have the time to cover it in the sides they should have found space for that shit in the main story or let it go

    Hitsutake September 2, 2024 4:28 pm

    I was literally thinking the same thing. I honestly thought I had accidentally skipped a chapter because it was so abrupt. The flow doesn’t make sense at all. And written this way it’s also completely out of character for him too. It’s not like he doesn’t know who he is. Having secrets is literally the norm. I completely agree with you.