Hmm, your opinion is valid. Mine is too, we just face life with different weights. I think Yongwoo is a good person, and you don't like him, and nothing I say will change your already formed hard opinion.
So, I would never condemn a good person to not find love for the rest of his life and I felt curious to see him happy.

I'm wondering : you think someone can be a good person even if they take advantage of a drunk person? Because I don't, and I think the author made it clear that action was very, very wrong. It actually counts as sexual assault, because the drunk person can't consent (and in this case, he was absolutely not consenting as he thought he was sleeping with someone else). Then Yongwoo took advantage of the guilt his victim felt to manipulate him into dating him. I'm curious to know how these actions didn't change your opinion on him? Like you said, I know you won't change your mind, I'm just interested in knowing your reasoning
This is so realistic that it feels like an authorized romantic biography in manhwa style. It's not a shallow read, and you can reread it as many times as you want and you'll still be impacted by the emotions and pain.
It would be so nice if this author's next work was Youngwoo's love story, he moved on after more than 5 years of unrequited love and deserves his own story poor thing.