For real?! O_O?

Cazador_de_sirenas August 31, 2024 7:42 pm

Well, if it's about a toxic and abusive relationship, here we have a prime example of it.
I've been able to push through until ch.34, excusing all to Chloe's naivety and good-willed personality... but I cannot deal with any more.
The moment that blond bastard all but confessed his unhealthy obsession with her and she took it as a romantic declaration of love, I gave up. I told myself, "This is it, here is where I draw the line".
Like, girl, what are you even thinking? We've had repeatedly rubbed on our faces how loving and wonderful your parents' marriage was, does this look anything like that to you?! Was this how your father (mis)treated your mother? Just what the heck happened to your standards?
