I can only think of the people enjoying this as r*pists themselves because wtf?? There's no way a sane person could enjoy this NO MATTER THE ART STYLE OkayOkay
I actually read somewhere that some ppl enjoy noncon-con p0rn, and have fantasies of them getting r#ped or g#ngb#nged… and i could only think its their past traumas manifesting
I actually read somewhere that some ppl enjoy noncon-con p0rn, and have fantasies of them getting r#ped or g#ngb#nged… and i could only think its their past traumas manifesting shutey
That's actually sad. I just hope that it doesn't go beyond their fantasies because the LAST thing we need are more r@pists in this world
Wtf was that.I hope it just really ends there. I dont want to see them ending up together