He said it himself that it was a way to shift his love for his brother to other people, because he knew it was wrong so he tried to do other people with the hope that this feeling could be held back or completely forgotten eventually.
He didn't say it like I did, but the point is that he was trying to hold himself back because he knows it's not normal to want your brother and tried to shift his attention to other people with the hope he wouldn't love him anymore.
Plus they are both literally messed up in the head (and not even because they are incestuous) and one wanted to be seen with other people while the other fucked every person his brother slept with to keep them from coming back, then literally beat the shit out of one guy and the brother didn't even question it at all (one wanted to violate him and the other wanted to be violated, so he didn't really felt violated because he wanted it, so you can see how messed up they are, while it might have looked like rape the older brother wasn't really shown disagreeing and he even liked it, so it's hard to get him to report rape when he literally wanted to be raped, not saying it's fine, but the older brother desire to be raped was something he developed on his own, not something that happened because of his brother raping him.
They aren't sane in the head.
Younger brother is definitely going to jail for beating the guy up though XD)

Yeah it is, but it works and can be a """healthy""" relationship exactly because it's fiction.
If it's two messed up individuals I can see how that is by far the healthiest relationship they can achieve in general.
Look at Vox and Val for example.
They both are messed up with their own actions, Val is literally a r*pist and abuser Vox is fine with dating him plus he's shown or implied to be the controlling one in the relationship to a point where he uses his """mind control""" powers on Val and neither one of them is "faithful" to the other (Vox obsessed with Al, be it a one-sided romantic or platonic doesn't matter, Val sleeping around with everyone) but they are still really healthy.
That's because they are so toxic they balance each other toxicity out and no one else can have a healthy relationship with neither one of them.
Same goes for those two.
One sibling is in love with his own sibling and wants to be r*ped by him (purposely making him see all of his partners and him doing it) and the other wants to r*pe his brother.
They are toxic, but they want that toxicity so it balances out into a healthy but really weird relationship.
It sounds weird but that is what is happening XD

(Obviously I'm not condoning this in real life, I'm just explaining why in fiction what is technically toxic can work and be healthy.
Using another messed up example if a guy had a death kink and the other gets turned on seeing someone on the brink of death and they developed that without the other influence it is a weird, messed up and dangerous relationship, but healthy because they both want this toxic, weird fetish and they found someone who match that)

Also last thing, you can't really call the cops on a guy making another guy jealous, like how you couldn't sue or call the cops for rape if the other party was consensual to be r*ped, because even if the older brother had no time to say yes (and I feel so disgusting for saying this) he genuinely wanted and "asked" for it (it makes me feel disgusting as this is the excuse idiots use to insult rape victims) so they are messed up like that.
There is nothing illegal in making someone jealous, the older brother wouldn't see it as rape because he wanted it to happen (I still hate to say this) and the only thing you could call the police or social services would be for incest, making a (at the time child) see/hear sexual activities and child endangerment as he would stay out alone at night.

That's a very nice example. It explained the relationship between the two very well. And although its kind of weird, just as long as it only happens in fiction. Its fine the way it is.
Ofc, its hard to make this work in rl and it'd be obviously disgusting if it really did happen in some cases. Well, I think as long as it doesn't bother me or the people I care about. They can live the way they want to live (just as long as it doesn't involve abuse and other things.)

It's kind of hateful to be in that situation in rl as well. If by any chance, (rl r@pe victims had it hard) it had happen, some laws had too much loophole on them that some abusers took it to their advantage. The process is too rigorous that even if you obviously knew who the penetrator is, you still have to undergo a very long process to have justice in your side. It's annoying. (coz they might have a chance to do bribery and some things unknown) to make you chances of even having justice by your side.
Its hard to balance out fairness and justice to everyone.

Yeah, that's really horrible.
It's even harder if the r*pist isn't the penetrator.
I hate how everyone goes for equality but you still can't have a world were women or men that don't do the penetration can't be considered the r*pist when that is literally r*pe regardless of gender or who's the one inserting things.
It's already hard for a person (man, woman, trans, child etc.) to win the lawsuit in the chance they get penetrated and violated, for those who don't get penetrated (because maybe r*ped by a woman/man with a vagina or simply a man/woman with a penis who doesn't do the penetration but takes it) it's probably even harder because non-penetrative (?) r*pe isn't even considered an actual crime and the loophole is that if a woman takes advantage of a drunk man that's self-r*pe (I think that was the name) and he can get in troubles if it gets out.
They should stop this dumb rule of "if you stick it then you are the r*pist" and just turn it into:
Any kind of forced sex, be it with toys, r*pist doing the penetration, r*pist penetrating themself etc. will be considered r*pe.

Agree! It should be considered as such as long as there's any some type or form of nonconsensual being shown and still being force to be subjected to such actions. Just thinking of being coerce to be in that sort of situation is absolutely disgusting.
I don't know what minds these people have to behave that way. But there's absolutely no excuse for that type of behavior.
And people who condone these should have their self get check.

Agree with all.
Sometimes those utopian like worlds don't sound too bad, not to sound like one of those cringe "main characters" on TikTok, but I would definitely try and be the leader of a Utopia to get rid of things like that, but it's unrealistic, impossible and cringe, I know.
Plus the human mind is weak, people would either try to break free from the Utopia or I might even go crazy from all the "power".
But I just hate those things so much.
I literally am afraid to leave my house because the world is genuinely declining and getting worse and worse as time passes.
I still do, but I am scared when you hear all those news going around.
How nowhere is safe anymore and people seem to have gone crazy.
For example we have Maranza here.
Adults are genuinely scared or brought to a mental breakdown because of them.
My literal reaction was "Huh" when he confess that he loves him. I just don't understand the logic. If he loves him, why bring those women and men along(?) I'm confused.