Actually I hate hyunwoo cause one day he decided to just fuck off and leave without saying anything! I don't know how you see friendship, but real friends don't just get up and leave like this!!! This is not a way to treat a person that was your friend! No matter who he likes.
And then Prince hyunwoo decided to come back, again without even letting him know and treat very...well I won't call it nice to shot someone when he's in bad, or it was the other guy. Can't remember. And the only care he give him, is because he was fucking bleeding! What show he didn't even bother to prepare him or on safe sex, cause why should he care about this stuff. How is that respect to his "best friend" again!???
One thing Subin was very right, he should have had sex that night with Jun. Then he won't have been so frustrated and get not so nice "surprise" after getting drank. If Jun only sew him has sex friend, he would have done it with him in the first night they meet. What he didn't

I think you may got a bad feeling about Kangjun but he isnt that bad (have you seen chap 18 yet? You may have more feeling about him better now). And, He didnt want to pick up Subin's call because Subin isnt a lover/partner he wish. He knew Subin was in broken heart and go to him just to comfort himself (Subin called Hyunwoo's name when they having sex, it's hurt for hyung). But when Kangjun remember Subin's smile he cant help but running to him, maybe he had felt for Subin :) He knew Subin was a trouble but he still want to hug him :) (and about the telephone'name I think it's not that suck, maybe he has to saved many names and need some informations to recognize who is who, not just sex friends)
And about Hyunwoo, I dont know he and Subin will be become a couple or not, but I dont like him not because of he's straight. He's too selfish to Subin, he wants Subin cook and take care for him like he's a boss, and we all can see how bad he treated his friend (he hits him, threat him, insult him and 2 years no call) they're close friends but it's still so rude. AND he know Subin loved him but he still ignore his mate's feeling and shamelessly show his love for noona in font of Subin. There're a lot of way to reject but he's the worst.
I dont know why you like him but try imagine once you like someone but he doesnt like you and treat you like that, you can understand the reason why almost readers here hate him. I hope Subin will in love with Kangjun cause he's gentle and kind to Subin, Hyunwoo didnt. Maybe Hyunwoo will change, but it's not easy for us to forgive him.

he decided to leave without saying anything to subin because subin was the first one to sexually harass him. as i said, hyunwoo hasn't gone out of his way to do anything wrong - also, he turns up after two years after he discharges from the military. also yes it was dongjun who had the bb gun. also for god's sake how is hyunwoo supposed to know about gay sex when he's been straight for 23 years? they were both drunk as fuck since they couldn't remember a thing from that night so invalid argument. and jun is no better than hyunwoo; he bitches about how bad the sex was right to subin's face and kicks him out without breakfast. please tell me how jun was better than hyunwoo?

yes i have read chapter 18, in which jun asks subin when the fuck he's going to leave which honestly isn't nice. also reminder that jun hates subin but wants to see subin's face when he falls to the lowest of the low. not really nice. also again the fact that he needs subin's age to recognise who he is just tells me that he's not that interested in subin.
i never directed the 'people hate him because hyunwoo is straight' to you. i don't even know you. the fact is that a lot of the people here seem to dislike hyunwoo because he refused subin's feelings, which is just plain unreasonable. and if we're going to talk about selfishness then subin definitely wins the game - he literally thinks that hyunwoo owes him sex. also again, korean men stuff - idk how much you know about it but as a korean i can tell you that hyunwoo's treatment towards subin is nothing out of the ordinary. about how hyunwoo ignored subin's feelings, ok, but subin is also clearly ignoring hyunwoo's sexuality and feelings as well.
i am entitled to like anyone in this series. and so are you. i never bitched about anyone who likes jun, i just stated my opinion on him. you can't just say 'i don't know why you like hyunwoo, and this is the reason why you too should dislike him' because opinions still exist in this world. i literally said that i didn't mind that people like jun over hyunwoo and dislike hyunwoo, because that's basically the opposite of my opinions. i don't give a single fuck. what i'm saying is that people should stop disliking and hating on hyunwoo for silly reasons like 'oh my god, he rejected subin, so mean, what a homophobic bastard'.
also jun isn't gentle and kind to subin. your interpretation of jun amazes me endlessly.

Lol no he didn't harass him, kissing on the fucking cheek is not a kiss on the lips. You taking a kiss on a cheek too far, it ridiculous. And no it still isn't a good excuse to act like this! It fucking isn't! No, actually from my friend, you still need to be wet in order for it to go in and not hurt your partner during sex even if you were a girl, or it will hurt like hell! So both need to be wet, maybe in male you need more prapretions but yeas. And been drank isn't an excuse to shove his dick to some hole. That just show how much he didn't give a crap who he was fucking, and it can be called rape. So...yeas. I still stand for what I said, him fuck off like that is not an ok move no matter what you say!! It an asshole move to do!!! No matter how angry he was! He was an asshole and coming back out of no where is much more an asshole!! The world not turn around him and his selfishness behavior! of course I won't support a partner that only think about himself first!

lmao no we were talking about korea here where kissing on the cheek isn't considered normal between two buddies. i get that you're probably, you know, not from korea, but hyunwoo clearly didn't want that fucking kiss so that's still harassment. and it's not rape since subin has been begging for hyunwoo to sleep with him, unless of course you count consensual drunk sex as rape (which is bullshit). not giving a crap who you're fucking isn't called rape. i would say that subin is the selfish one in the relationship - he harasses hyunwoo even when hyunwoo clearly doesn't want it (let me see you defend 'lemme touch your dick' as not being a sexual harassment) and hyunwoo doesn't think about himself first. i think he was perfectly reasonable....
unlike you, of course. it'll be nice if you stopped getting so heated up.

A good way to get away with that is blaming other poeple for being what they are. Well I guess it more easy for you, I bet Lol.
It is my right to hate him for being a selfish ass and I say it again, to disappear without any good reason is selfish!!! When he wants He go away, and when he wants he just come back. cause that is fine to do whatever the fuck he wants, go away for 2 years come back with no warning. It's a very not selfish thing to do, very considerate too to just show up out of no were and say well I want to come back now. I guess you also expect Subin to be grateful he decided to come back while I was kick his sass for this! again you can say any excuse you want it still won't cut it!!
I don't care if it Japan, Korae, middle East whatever. some things don't change, and this is one of them. cause NO a kiss on a cheek isn't harassment. You just exaggerating just cause he's a guy.
They do say that even if a drank girl say yeas, it still count has rape. But if we be Technically correct, I don't think hyunwoo care too much who he fuck with at that time that night since it wasn't from his real will anyway. He may has well fuck anyone and he would be fine with it. The same go to Subin. If he was drank and I say if, he had no idea what he was doing or what he felt. No matter how much he beg for it! if he was drank it wasn't from his own will it was just strangers that don't care or know what they doing. Just like one night stand.
Let's say Hyunwoo, the asshole XD, did care about him has a friend then he could just leave a fucking note that say he was sorry but he can't stay and the reason. That would be totally different and it would show that he did care about him has his friend. Cause friends actually cares about each other even if they mad or one of them hurt the other. And not just leave and come back whatever they wants!. Besides if he did got sooooo hurt like you said from a kiss to the cheek, then he wouldn't have come back at all. if he wants to be with that girl, I'm fine with it. But he still a selfish asshole that leave when it convenient to him. that how this story show him. That's is all. (=・ω・=)

k im trying really hard to get what you're trying to say. so you shit on hyunwoo for going away without telling subin but not on subin for going away without telling hyunwoo? (also he was away for 2 years because military conscription. he didn't just poof out into thin air because he didn't want to see subin. korean men do usually go to the army when they're around 21-23.) ok. again, i never, ever told you that you're not allowed to hate on hyunwoo. just stop portraying him as the bad guy. and any unwanted sexual advance is considered sexual harassment. also if a drunk girl saying consenting to sex is rape then a drunk man consenting to sex is also rape, so what's your point? what is this misandry? also stop seeing subin as a girl for god's sake, that's disgusting.
also you seem to be saying that hyunwoo is a dipshit for not caring about who he fucks, which i don't agree with but is understandable, but then you literally contradict yourself by saying that subin woudn't have given a fuck either. does that make subin an asshole to? going by your logic, that seems to be the case.
hyunwoo has no responsibility to tell subin where the fuck he is all the time. as i said, subin made unwanted sexual advances on hyunwoo so he's the one at fault here. who's the selfish prick who's forcing his feelings on hyunwoo? subin! it's not that he got hurt from the kiss, but rather he felt betrayed that someone he considered a friend for so many years actually has feelings for him, confessed to him, didn't stop there and went ahead and kissed his cheek when he clearly rejected him.
i think we can agree to disagree but at the end of the day your argument is just weak and contradictory. saying that 'a kiss on the cheek isn't sexual harassment even though DIFFERENT CULTURES BECUASE WESTERN CULTURE OBVIOUSLY IS THE STANDARD' but going ahead and saying 'drunk consensual sex is still rape because feelings' is just plain bullshit and i'm not even sure if you're old enough to be reading stuff like this.

Sorry for not be a Korean to understand the story like you did but I'm still an Asian and had watched a lot Korean movie so I maybe a little bit dissaponited :)) you made me lol about how selfish and stubborn you are. yes you're korean and you think how Hyunwoo toward Subin is "normal friends" and you think Kangjun hates Subin, you made me think twice about how nice korean people, poor the author but I think you misunderstood her story so far (at least about Kangjun and yes Hyunwoo and Subin's Korean buddies, your friend hits, threats and ignores your feeling and you still are friends? ok ).
I dont care about who you said hate Huynwoo because he's not gay but i hope you understand the real reason they hate him, so dont think that you're right to think what people's feeling. And you know you're reading a boy's love story, so just Hyunwoo hated gay that enough for the readers here hate him. We dont know how Hyunwoo will change but all we want is he show Subin some love because it's a fucking boy's love story and we need a kind not a rude seme, so if he love Subin in the next chapters, I hope he will have at least one sorry word to his mate :/
my Korean teacher told us about how selfish they are but i dont think all Korean are the same, but you're one of them. Please dont think you understand it all and talk to people like they're dont understand the situation because they're not with you.

ok uhmmm since when, in what chapters did Hyunwoo's hatred towards gay is shown? sorry but the guy is as straight as a ruler, so of course it is completely normal for him to feel surprised, confused and even upset when his childhood best friend suddenly jumped on him and required sex,, but hyunwoo has never said nor shown that he hated gays.
And the way he treats Subin, gosh don't even get me start on this because it's fudging normal, not only in Korea but also in other asian countries(including mine) where close friends often hit or insult each other for fun with no harmful intention; it is almost part of their daily life which showcase their friendships,, for example in my home country (VN) and in the country I'm studying in currently (JP), the harder and more severe your punch/insult is towards your friend, the closer and stronger- bonding your relationship is. Even Ricepunch (translator of this manhwa) has been explaining this cultural thing again and again.
Last thing I want to ask is what makes you think @anon is selfish? they have stated that they have no problems towards people who support Jun, but only want to clear the misunderstanding surrounding Hyunwoo. His/her points are pretty logic, well- constructed and he/she has been really polite and not bashing anyone (unlike somebody)

Since you didn't get my sarcasm I say it again:
1.Hyunwoo could leave A FUCKING NOTE OR WRITING A LATTER OR TEXT. But No, his best friend wasn't important enough to do that. FUCK HIM THEN!!!!! Has best friend or lover, FUCK HIM!!!!!
2. When I talk about drank girl saying yeas, I talk in ganrel. Ganrel mean it can be to any gander it still won't be from their own will. But since both of them were drank, it was more a night stand. Like they have sex with someone they don't care about or know what they doing. Both of them. And Hyunwoo start to care only after they had sex, what is classsic BL plot! Stupid BL plot. I seen it in other mangas too. It's not new.
I was talking about Subin when he was drank, DRANK, when he drank he really can't think or know or care what he was doing. It should be clear to you already.
And I didn't say for them it was rape, I said it was a night stand. You can't read uh? Sigh.
3. I will stand by what I said, I don't give a crap it Korae, it's not harassment just cause you decided it was! It's not!! End of story.

You misunderstood me. But that bad Dongjun toward Subin is friendship but I dont think the way Hyunwoo treat Subin is closed friend (not just about he hit him or his bad mouth, read the word he told to Subin when it about noona, he ignored Subin's feeling and how he left him alone in that motel then acted like nothing happens, it made me really sad it's not for fun right?) It like a rude & attractive friend but you like him so you still want to be with him. I think they're friends but it its still a not fair friendship, even if in Korea or some another country. We dont misunderstood Hyunwoo, we just cant accept him, maybe the author dont want it like that but it's about now, a lot of thing we still didnt know about that 2 friends.
I thought Hyunwoo hate/dislike gay because his emotion when he saw K texted for Jun. Maybe it's pretty much but i hope he will be more polite even if he's straight. I dont dislike him, we saw some momemts he was good to Subin and made us hope for their love, but you know when hyung appeared we know we have a less painful & insteresting choice for Subin, that why we prefer him than Hyunwoo. Maybe i cant explain but you know there's not much story that we want the main character loved the male supporter like this, for sure, we had our reasons. Maybe in the next chapters something will happen and make us change our mind.
And about @anon, maybe you think her word's polite, but i'm not. I think her selfish and stubborn because of how she think about the characters (i dont think a person with a mature mind can think like that about Kangjun or Subin) and when somebody explain to her, she even think it in a worse way. And she said like because we're not Korean, we cant understand. Maybe she would think like that about me but we for sure dont care about what we think about each other, we just need to get what we want to say to each other and I cant have done with her :/

I would say Hyunwoo's ignorance towards Subin is actually a thing he should do and I applaud him for that. When you refuse someone, you must do it straight forward, and the more that person clings onto you, the colder you must become. I know it sounds cruel and would of course be painful for them at first, but trying to be nice is actually a much more cruel action- it gives them false hope and makes it much harder for them to give up on you. Have you ever seen mangas where the character has to suffer from that painful unrequited love (I guess you have since there are tons of them out there), there would always be this scene in which the character feel extremely broken hearted and pain because they can't give up on the person who treat them so nice and kind, and how they wish that person could be colder to them so that they can give up their love easier blabla...
This also applies for real-life situations, I know not every person is like that, but for certain types of people (especially the clingy, stubborn type like Subin), you must really reallyyyy take definite, clear and strong actions to make them understand the love would not work for both of you (at least for now). Another example would be raising a child, for example your child has a sweet tooth and wants to eat, uhm idk Kitkat everyday, would you allow them just because they cry when you say no? or would you, for the sake of their health, ignore their cravings?
And honestly I can't see Jun anywhere near a "less painful choice" for Subin, especially when he treats him like a tool to satisfy his sexual frustration (like common dude, you cooked him dinner before sex and kicked him out of your house without breakfast after sex? even when Subin had told it was his freaking first time and you still kicked him out like that???)

I think we should stop this conversation because we had our own thought that really hard to change. I cant take Hyunwoo's action because it show that he a rude person, it's really diferrent about became cold toward a clinggy, they're closed friend by the way. But we havent know what really happens yet so no one can judge him, but he's still pretty irresponsible.
About Kangjun, we dont know about him enough. And about the frist time they did it he just want to find a gay lover/sex friend and Subin is his favorite face and Subin meets him because he wanna lose his virgin in chap 1. They start with only sex friend. he knew he get a trouble because Subin only talk and scream about Hyunwoo and forget about him, made him like his comfort tool so of course he got mad. But you know he may have felt for Subin, he knew he just a substitute Kangjun still came to Subin and treated him right. Maybe it made their love more comfortable than it is with straight Hyunwoo. We all are tired of Hyunwoo broken Subin's heart right?
I think we should stop and waiting what happen next instead of judge the characters when we dont know enough about them.
i think the main thing that annoys me is the fact that everyone seems to love attacking hyunwoo. THE BOY DID NOTHING WRONG. i can't believe that you guys think that someone wanting to stay friends as someone who likes them is giving them 'false hope'. no. hyunwoo clearly said multiple times that he likes yeona, although obviously subin didn't hear that, and call me homophobic but fact is that being straight is normal, especially in korea where there is a general societal unaccpetance towards transgenders and homosexuals. also he doesn't see subin as his slave or anything - him wanting subin back and make him egg soup & curry was because HE WAS SICK Y'ALL like seriously just think about it. wanting someone to care after you when you're sick is treating them like a slave? also yes, i'm not denying that he is homophobic but god ffs, 1. they're korean men and 2. i don't see anyone shitting on dongjun for the same reason. he doesn't hate subin the same way jun hates subin; hyunwoo actually likes subin a lot as a friend and i would say he considers subin as his best friend (he decided to live with him, he calls subin first whenever he needs help, he worries about him a lot).
i have one main reason for not liking jun, and it's that he doesn't like subin as a person and is only nice to him so he has someone to have sex with ('isn't that why you called me?', suggesting that he assumed subin wanted to sleep with him that night and that's why he went to pick subin up). he also thought about rejecting subin's call until he thought of subin's face. also he has his name saved as 'bang subin 23', so either he's clearly not interested in subin enough or he has other sex friends and so he needs both his name and age to remember him.
i don't mind people supporting jun rather than hyunwoo (because obviously subin is going to end up with hyunwoo in the end lol, good luck to jun supporters) but don't put down hyunwoo for shitty reasons like 'oh he's straight so that's definitely a valid reason to hate him'. you guys are all heterophobic af smh