Everyone sees a practices religion differently, you make think it’s not benevolent but that’s really for them to decide. It’s okay if you don’t agree with how they do things. Instead of just seeing them in a bad light ask them more about their actions and it connects to their religion. Hope this helped :)
I think they’re trying to say that they know someone who is not really a good person even though they follow someone/something that most likely teach people to be good or kind, and that the person doesn’t seem to change even though they read teachings or stuff telling them to be a good or kind person. I’m not exactly sure though
And again I absolutely agree. Anyways no one's blaming God... "He" has no faults here, it's the believer. They're the problem to be honest... And yes humans are very adaptable but change rarely happens when the environment stays stagnant. I just hope "that" person tries to change (pronoun) way of thinking.
I don't get some people whom are religious but doesn't seem to gain any enlightenment from what they read... Do I even have to address this?