
LalalaIcanthearyou August 31, 2024 12:13 am

How you gonna get angry and violent about two full grown adults having consensual sex that leads to an unplanned pregnancy?! Based on what? Being the dude's ex from 20+ years ago? Being his grown ass kid's baby daddy? What claim do you have on that omega to justify that anger?

Dude, it's like you didn't hit it and quit it when the omega was only 14/15 years old. On top of that, you refused to go against your family and put a ring on it when you knocked the kid up. You're the lowest of trash.

Nah, you got no leg to stand on pretending to be his alpha. I hope your ass gets sued. Especially since you were a deadbeat dad for over half of your own kid's life and this boy is over here doing his damndest to show up.
