What are the tropes you don't like in stories and why

Yona6 August 30, 2024 8:34 pm

Just curious ! 3 mines are :

- Amnesia : too much drama and bye the character development (except when it's brought well like in "Reunion", and it adds something to the plot)

- Mind control : AGAIN no character development, the characters can be the worst a*s for 100 chapters but then it was just because of a potion or something and there was no point in the character other than mistreating the Mc ! I HATE this trope

- Love triangle : It CAN be good if it's written well, but not like in most cases if you put the great combo "the rich and arrogant Ml obsessed with the mc and the kind and caring 2nd ml who helps the mc". Like it can be good IF they have real personalities other than being in love with mc

    Ridora ;) August 30, 2024 8:57 pm

    I also hate love triangles and for the same reason as you.

    My most hated is the so called "strong uke" I call it that because :
    Don't get me wrong I love a strong, confident uke they're not whiny or stupid at all like most don't you just love it? Physics don't even matter they can be literal twinks and be strong and well written.
    What i'm talking about is the manhwas that bait you into thinking "damn finally" but as the story goes on you realize how stupid you were to fall for this bait.
    Prime Ex : roses and champagne and PASSION
    You would think that they'd have a character of their own instead (ex of how they were written) of the seme, that they wouldn't forgive them so easily after suffering so much like it's so clear of how much they're done and tired in the relationship and having to deal with the semes constant antics (and not small antics just literal : rape, SA, threats, stalking) like you know if these characters were actually well written they'd have some boundaries and you'd know that they wouldn't take the disrespect. Sadly they do EVERYTIME.
    Why do they forgive the seme so easily? Why do they never try to think besides pulling the excuse " well he's a horrible person at heart so there's no changing him" WHAT??? AND YOU OF ALL PEOPLE IS GONNA STAY WITH HIM???

    Gummy_bear August 30, 2024 9:30 pm

    Weak mc or weak love interest. I don’t mean that they’re physically weak, but I mean where they’re basically not able to function if do anything without relying on their partner for some reason, like they’re all wimpy and pitiful

    Love triangles, they’re so annoying like just let the two main characters be together without some annoying side character getting in their way all the time

    When a character gets raped, abused, sa’d, or just gets something really bad done to them but then forgive the person who did that to them, or even fall in love with them. Like, no thank you.

    Red flag tops to “green flags”. Once a red flag always a red flag.

    The stereotypical woman companion or harem’s in most action stories. Please I want something new and fresh.

    I probably have more but I can’t remember any others currently at this moment.

    numb August 30, 2024 9:39 pm

    love triangles : I just don't like it, i cant really elaborate the reason behind it. I am either a monoshipper or a reverse harem enjoyer there is no in between (wc is the love triangle) . But maybe because love triangles are rarely ever written good?? Like its going to be so obvious which ml is going to win (clue the first one introduced agsjshd).

    bitch og female lead: i hate it... Its kinda coming as misogynistic to me, and how its written most of the time. Like look the villainess changed and the og female lead is actually a bitch, with no apparent reason. Just let her be her same og self omg