i really love this story

shimenet like my answer August 30, 2024 9:04 am

- spoiler:

i’m really sad for his brother because he was killed for no reason and the fact that he was bullied in school without Yoohan knowing is so sad. he was called a beggar and stuff and he only says thank you to them is making me sad. and the fact that he wants to be a prosecutor to stop his brother from doing bad stuffs (i forgot the exact reason) is making me want to kill myself. if i was Hansoo, i’d probably hate my brother too but i can’t because this is Yoohan’s story and the way of his atonement for his sins really shows how cruel he is to himself because he believed that all of this is his fault. In an interview, Jay made him watch their opinions about him, the way he dresses and the way he didn’t changed his phone even tho he has money, the way he only does is to eat because he needs to. He doesn’t spend his money and even said to the manager to give away his money. I think that this is his way of atoning, he doesn’t spend because he thinks that he doesn’t deserve it. and i love the dialogue where he said that only thru Jay that he can feel his emotions. whenever he’s with jay, he can laugh, feel annoyed, and stuff and i think that is their dynamic. Jay feels emotion thru Yoohan when they had sex 5 years ago. he felt sorrow which he never felt when his mom died thats why he’s eager to find Yoohan. altho he is a bit too possessive to Yoohan and they are not direct with each other, thru their POV and actions, you can feel that thru each other, they can feel their true emotions. in novel, i like the words the author used to describe Yoohan’s atonement and Jay’s feelings. they complement each other. i don’t know, i really just like this story. i also love the scene where someone bumped to their car and when jay smiled, Yoohan knew his true feelings that’s why when he said something strange about his smile and Jay thought that that’s why its annoying because Yoohan knew him too well. only with Yoohan, he cannot hide his true emotions. hahaha anyways i feel like jay is a paychopath, that man doesn’t feel emotions and he only showed himself to Yoohan. or idk ok i’m gonna stop yapping, just wanna share my feelings even tho my grammar is broken :))

    Egirlsweat September 2, 2024 5:50 am

    yoohan is autistic coded which when you look at it through that type of scope makes their interactions even more hilarious

    Nobody September 3, 2024 4:49 am

    People hate the way Jay treats Yoohan, but what’s they don’t get is that he has to treat him that way because that’s the only way to get through to him. Yoohan doesn’t think he deserves anything, especially not happiness, so he’s not going to easily accept that he’s fallen for Jay or that Jay likes him back.

    BTW, Jay is a psychopath (or sociopath. I forget what’s what).