As fucked up as this is the whole reason both of them are going through this is cz they’re both so traumatized the only way they can fix it is by knowing what the other person is thinking but the only way they can do that is through communication and tbh I don’t see that happening anytime soon bc neither of them have been taught to talk so

100%....you see some people don't see that even though Jinjoo went through a lot she has learnt a bit of lessons from her past is why she can see Doyeon is not deserving of her love,people so darn focussed on Doyeon and her past but her past thought her nothing,she is scum and Morae saw it very early on,for me the person who has remained kind hearted and needs someone to talk to is Jinjoo,Doyeon wants sex not help.

Right? Jinjoo has changed so much and is still changing in a good way, Doyeon on the other side never changed and is becoming worse.
The only way things will change is if jinjoo talks about her feelings honestly or if Doyeon looses her shi and tells jinjoo her feelings and that will make jinjoo talk also but I'm scared of Doyeon

LMFAOOO r u hearing urself I can’t even take u srsly like r u even reading the fucking story bitch they’re both fucked up theyr both in the wrong jinjoo wants the cake and wants to eat it too and doyeon is a mentally unstable ass bitch not only that SHES FUCKING 24. 24. SHES JUST STARTING TO LIVE just cuz jinjoo got married right out of high school doesn’t fucking mean she’s a child she has a fucking brain and both of them do their issue is that theyr both so fucking traumatized they can’t communicate. Dont come up here w ur shitass fucking commentary if u don’t understand shit

Girl bye....what are you some type of a BIG CUNT,shut the fuck up and if you don't agree with or understand my POV then ignore my fucking comment you dumb ass dirty cunt of a bitch....
And Doyeon is 24 not 18 or 19,you think all 24yr olds are stupid i think not,so yeah Doyeon grew up in an orphan home and she may have never gotten the love she wanted from others but it doesn't give her the right to be a dirt bag of a scum type of person and she's also a selfish bitch,she's a big stupid asshole just like Jinjoo's husband and Jinjoo could do way better by herself.

Dude...how can Doyeon act all hurt when she was the one who started the shit and now she's the victim,victim how?...look Doyeon thought the husband ran away and never was coming back so she didn't see Jinjoo does actually have a life and her own situations that she has to deal with as her husband returned...Doyoen just wants what she wants and totally doesn't want to acknowledge that Jinjoo is married and has her own problems to give attention too,Jinjoo is actively trying to balance her situation with Doyeon and her husband and isn't taking the time she needs for her own mental well being and her only true comfort is church.
Who do you think is right here?
Is there behaviour justified here?