I'm sorry I still can't side with Elena letting her live her usual carefree life while you...

SaySay August 29, 2024 12:13 pm

I'm sorry I still can't side with Elena letting her live her usual carefree life while you suffer under the other princes and the nobles seem no different from drinking highly effective poison. If you want her to live that carefree life than she should step down from being a princess or wake the hell up from her happy wonderland dreams and act like a actually royal you can't just keep spoiling her.

    ToogoodforSimbq August 30, 2024 5:10 am

    Then you never had siblings, regardless siblings will always have fights, disagreements, and more but at the end of the day being the older brother/sister you feel obligated to Protect the younger ones. Not because you need to (though that may be the case for some) but it’s because you want to, you feel the need to protect them from dangers regardless of what happens to you.