Disgusting he is fucking disgusting

aiko August 29, 2024 11:41 am

No amount of my words can heed my anger for that Derrick he is such a fucker . If he had known something were to happen to his sister why bring her to party and put her life in danger . It was cuz he wanted to accuse Penelope omg I want to barf how could he do it in end he realizes he sees pene as a women which is absolute disgusting with what he had done so far . I have never liked any of MLS the crown prince may look decent know but are we gonna forget how he was about to slit her throat. When the world is cats and dogs u must never ever even trust your own blood and these fuckers are just strangers . I from bottom of my heart want Penelope to not fall in love with anyone of them

    SuckOnDeezNuts August 29, 2024 3:34 pm

    He was hypnotised by the alleged yvonne it was because of that mirror shard bro has.

    aiko August 29, 2024 5:26 pm
    He was hypnotised by the alleged yvonne it was because of that mirror shard bro has. SuckOnDeezNuts

    STILL NOT GONNA forgive him

    candy :) August 29, 2024 7:13 pm
    STILL NOT GONNA forgive him aiko

    ur so real for that fuck him

    SuckOnDeezNuts September 2, 2024 9:47 am
    STILL NOT GONNA forgive him aiko
