They will go to circus, Malachia will be there too with his knight. He was there to have seggs and to demonstrate to the orpahna who has reached the age and need to get out of the church how to make money by being a prostitute. He ended up have seggs with the knight. In the novel I don't remember if he ever stop the prostitution so maybe not.
Our prime minister and jorga will be there too, incognito (???), and saw the after dark entertainment. There, they saw young girls (which is the girl who engaged with the prince I forgot the name let's call her Emma for now) sisters. After Emma no longer become the priestess, her family has to pay back the money they took by selling her to the pope previously, so they ended up in the circus. (The younger bro is also there, he is one of the prostitute). The sister were there tl be the bride of the beast. The beast were able to impregnate humans, making them half beast.
Prime minister show his dark side to jorga, cause this is his revenge for his daughter. So he told jorga to choose, between arresting him or going tk the darkness with him.
Jorga choose him.
After that, some shenanigans happened, Emma ran away from castle and ended up in the circus, saw her sisters, shocked, but came to them confused when they told her to came closer.
They grab her and locker her together with the beast. They're very pregnant too.
She will ended up pregnant with the beast child.
Some more shenanigans happened, she married to the prince, birthed a half beast princess, and went into shock.
Okay that's all.
Lmao, the most depraved part of the novel will arrive soon. Hope you guys can stay strong.