
The broken ankle August 29, 2024 9:53 am

Best stories you have read recently?

    PrettyMenSupremacy August 29, 2024 9:56 am

    If I had a penny for everytime I read a story, enjoyed it then found out it was written by Chaepali, I would have 8 pennies, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened 8 times. Especially “rainbow city”

    chichien August 29, 2024 10:25 am

    'Silent Reading' ( its unparalleled in the crime fiction genre) every other book pales in comparison.

    Guardian by priest ( supernatural, ghosts and crime )
    Sha Po Lang ( Steampunk and complex politics

    Breaking through the clouds ( crime ) If Silent reading is no.1 then this is no.2.

    tian guan ci fu ( never seen a love like that before) I've read it five times over.

    Little mushroom ( post apocalyptic vibes and the mc is the cutest thing I've ever seen )

    any book written by Priest is god tier.

    BoardingSine August 29, 2024 2:23 pm

    For You Who Grieves
    Also really loved Be my Baby. It was so stupid and funny and I have found myself looking for something similar all week because of it.