2 things can be true at once. 1.) he isn't dating mc. therefore, he can sleep with whoever he wants. I still don't understand how he's constantly being slutshamed for that. 2.) he still has deep rooted feelings for mc. I just think ppl are doing too much when they're okay with swooning over barbarian mls in other bls. pado is still marinating. that isnt to say he can't turn into a red flag in later chapters.

People are slut shaming bc he likes uke yet sleeping around. People don't judge fuckboys but pado is in different situation. So I'm never gonna stop slut shaming him lol. And second ml doesn't love uke deeply , if he loved him he would never sleep with hoes . Just bc you have low standards doesn't mean others are wrong lmao. He's getting hate for a reason.

Lol have you never seen people cussing out other mls. Jk from jinx is most hated character even though he doesn't deserve that much hate , even dooshik is getting hate right now .so what the fuck are you yapping about gurllllll. Pado deserves hate he's getting lmao. Even a green flags gets hated, so why is your possey itching when people just hate pado? You think all people have low standards like you??

Did I defend jk??lmao lmao, I said he's the most hated bl character he doesn't deserve to be the most hated one. Pado is getting hate bc he deserves it haha. I didn't know you would go damn shit crazy for defending a whore lol, he's hypocrite af. I swear you'll deserve a husband who sleeps with hoes and gets jealous when ya just breath with others. Amen !!

Did I defend jk?? Read my whole ass paragraphs of how I roast jk lol , jinx fandom is good, they roast jk unlike you guys defending a dick and going crazy when someone hates him lol. Listen kid when you stan a questionable character just hold your possey and digest those hate comments instead of crying . And yes if it was mc who was sleeping around you are the same chicks who slut shame them but when it's ML you are yapping now

I honestly don't care if mc sleeps around. I like experienced mcs anyways. It's annoying and repetitive when they aren't experienced. also, how are you gonna assume anything about us based off this conversation? plus, look up the definition of 'defend' and reread you're reply. by saying jaekyung didn't deserve hate insinuates that you're defending his actions when I just told you he terrorized mc. like it just flew over your head. anyway, pado can still his dick in anyone he pleases because he's single rn, isn't dating mc.

Ok slut calm down. I know I offended you. And i said jk is the most hated character while there are bunch of death flags out their, please re do your English classes baby. I said he doesn't deserve to be in 1st hated character place, he could be in 5th most hated characters lol. And pado is single, so is mc. If mc sleeps with others this pado bitch would definitely rape mc out of jealousy . Your whole ass paragraphs will not justify pados deeds gurllllll. Well I'm satisfied because lots of people are trashing him out in social media platforms haha . Win is a win.
Yall are so extra like i am not understanding how yall dont get that if someone did u dirty its not that easy to forgive them.. yall can understand it if it happens to you but lose common sense when it comes to bls