Mitsuki Senpai

Arianna March 20, 2017 12:54 am

i think they're killing the point about misogyny and sexism by making her such a bitch. not even girls would like that kind of character. i'm a starch feminist and she annoys me beyond belief. if you want to make a strong feminist female character that readers will love, both male and female, the last thing you want to do is make almost all of her action fanservice, because that's really annoying. it honestly takes away the intensity from the fights. people need to take some notes about Kagura from Gintama, because that's as close as i personally can get to liking a shounen female character. in fact, i'm pretty sure almost all the women that have appeared in Gintama are very decent female characters without any kind of unnecessary cliche shounen personality. and they're all badass in their own ways, too. even if some of them aren't really "beast fighter types."

    ChibiMichie March 20, 2017 6:43 pm

    totally hating that female! i wished she received a slap in the face that toss her into unconsciousness! like WHAM!

    Arianna March 20, 2017 8:00 pm
    totally hating that female! i wished she received a slap in the face that toss her into unconsciousness! like WHAM! ChibiMichie

    yeah! and she's really stubborn. her life was in danger yet she still refused to accept help from somebody that was readily available and completely willing to help her. she has no right to choose if she's not strong enough to defend her own life.

    Koalas May 31, 2017 5:48 pm

    I think it's more realistic having her act like a total bitch. It's the only way men listen in this world, and she can't accept help. That would make her, "weak," just like "all women are." She's trying to disprove those lies. I do agree that they should make her fights less for fanservice, though. While I'm all about empowering the female body, it's ridiculous how many powerful women in manga have to wear shorter clothing than the males. And then they pose while they fight to where it's obvious just for the readers to gawk at. It annoys me endlessly, but at least her character doesn't approve of how we treat women.

    Arianna May 31, 2017 8:16 pm
    I think it's more realistic having her act like a total bitch. It's the only way men listen in this world, and she can't accept help. That would make her, "weak," just like "all women are." She's trying to disp... Koalas

    I honestly don't completely mind this bitch thing. As long as she's not just fan service and smart with her decisions, that kind of character is usually tolerable. But I hate her because she wasn't smart with her decisions. There's no point in acting tough when you're not actually tough. If you need help during a fight you can't win on your own, just suck up your pride and ask for it. Your life has more value than pride.