kinda disappointed

hngg_ August 29, 2024 12:57 am

ngl i'm kinda disappointed because in the novel this scene was much more longer ang violent, Ruby's speech was longer and much more impactful in the novel. Kinda hated that they downplayed Caesar's abuse cause in the novel it was much more intense, while ruby's delivering her speech she was getting abused by by digging his nails onto her to the point that her skin bleeded, and pulling of her hair, and much more, ruby's bleeding a lot cause of the glass that pierced her skin and face to the point that she can barely see anymore because the blood in her forehead covered her eyes, it totally shows how messed up caesar's character can be

    Kana Soba August 29, 2024 1:08 am

    Sad part is I would have loved to see that so the stabbing was more justified. Ik either way it is but like izek is an outsider and knows nothing so unless he sees something extreme I doubt he would lose his cool like this