
Kitsune Scarlet March 19, 2017 11:32 pm

Well...first of all I really enjoyed this story. It was so fluffy and funny in an adorable way~ xD
But there are some points that somehow keep me from feeling satisfied. ;-;
Alright, so in my opinion the ending felt pretty rushed...I feel like there should at least be a flashback about that ancestor and Mono or something like that, so we could know a bit more about the past...also I couldn't really feel the love between Mono and Kotetsu...I mean there was "potential" but the author shouldn't have rushed their confessions this much(?) ^^'
Somehow it feels like something misses there, Idk. (Tho their relationship is still pretty cute!)
Well at the end the saddest thought for me is just that Kotetsu, as a human, will die and leave Mono alone, since even that divine being said something like "...the time with that human is like an instant to us". Thinking about it makes me feel poor cinnamon rolls~ Q-Q
This manga feels so uncompleted, haha... ;-;
I think I just have to imagine some kind of happy end for myself.. *sob*
Well then...bye...have a great day! c:

    Luna Starr March 23, 2017 12:21 am

    I think you just exsplained what i was feeling at the end of reading this but just couldnt firgure out what it was.( ̄∇ ̄")