Won’t fight you on this one… They could have:
- use the out of champ, and show through shadow or close up of body parts in action, and with some blood splatters on the ground or wall
- or play the card of everything behind closed door, have the husband enter the room and then show close up / highlights on the key body parts being abused…but in order to show the tension and the violence of the scene, representation would have been more raw
Just a thinking of my part…

( ^▽^) these are exactly the kinds of things I imagined in my head when it came to possible censorship. I could imagine some amazing scenes with my limited information about what happened with them still being censored. It's times like this that I'm greatful for my vivid imagination. Now if only I could draw...
This sooooo disappointed really really disappointed the novel is way more detalis than that and the artist cut a lot of things here
Ruby was hit multiple time in all the mirror and her face and arm and leg were cut and she bleeded alot and her brother was holding her by her hair and smashing her then izak and all the characters walk in and saw all that
I'm really disappointed