Am I the only one tired of waiting? I've been following this manhwa for a very long time, ...

The_Anonymous_Italian_Fujoshi August 28, 2024 1:00 am

Am I the only one tired of waiting? I've been following this manhwa for a very long time, probably since 2016, I continue to follow the story despite everything, but nothing new ever happens, I feel like I've been reading the same things for years, and the chapter? Extremely short... the characters are funny and I like the two couples, but interesting updates and plot twists haven't been seen in the story for a long time, or am I wrong? And updates on the relationships between the couples? None, not even the slightest thing, in reality in 98% of cases it feels like reading a simple funny comic about friends... BUT I'M STILL WAITING FOR UPDATES, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP

    crazykinky August 28, 2024 8:58 am

    I'm hoping eventually they start making longer chapters like they were doing towards the middle of the story!! I agree with you. Nothing is progressing, and we can barely keep track of anything because it's a new scenario everyday few 'chapters'. I'd honestly rather wait longer for some full chapters then the same amount for a couple panels that are mostly random ass pictures of them

    The_Anonymous_Italian_Fujoshi August 28, 2024 11:09 am
    I'm hoping eventually they start making longer chapters like they were doing towards the middle of the story!! I agree with you. Nothing is progressing, and we can barely keep track of anything because it's a n... crazykinky

    I feel like the autor doesnt know how to continue the story

    Ephemeral Bliss August 28, 2024 11:18 am

    You are not alone lol. The cute stuff is cool and and all, but gets on my nerves after reading 50 chaps of it. Like cool, y'all are fluffy but can we move on and talk about (SPOILERS)

    the literal Jian Yi kidnapping that's gonna happen at some point? Y'know, the one that's going to separate him from A-Xi and fuck us up mentally?

    The_Anonymous_Italian_Fujoshi August 28, 2024 11:53 am
    You are not alone lol. The cute stuff is cool and and all, but gets on my nerves after reading 50 chaps of it. Like cool, y'all are fluffy but can we move on and talk about (SPOILERS)the literal Jian Yi kidnapp... Ephemeral Bliss

    It passed so much time that i don't even remember well that part of the story