On chapter 63 currently and I am soo angry , pilwon is just twisted and he has apparently ...

Baka August 27, 2024 6:43 pm

On chapter 63 currently and I am soo angry , pilwon is just twisted and he has apparently no solid reason for doing all these crazy shit, he just wants to own jooha and destroy him entirely. The way he k***d the dog just for his amusement is scary, so he was psycho from the very beginning and now that he k***d his father as well and became even more powerful idk how worse is he going to get, poor jooha deserves everything! The way he is scared because he is happy and trying to hide his ptsd from dooshik is so sad, my boi doshik loves dooha but I don’t think he has any solid plans yet to finish pilwon and they should communicate more openly. Dooha and doshik hiding their own insecurities and fears from each other doesn’t sit well with me because it will just arise more problems. Please jooha deserves soo much more -and when are they gonna explain why he is producing pearls! Like what is the situation/logic behind this!
